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Junior Member
Are they looking up at your tree stand? I'd pull your cam as well or go back and use climbing sticks and elevate it 10+ feet high.
Typical for half ass/weekend warrior types who fugged off all summer doing other things pick the last couple weeks to start scouting,clearing trails and lanes and hanging stands.
Going through this myself actually and I sympathize with you.
Hope you find out who they are and what their intentions are.
Yeah, they're right in front of my stand looking up at it. Taking to the pic to the landowner tomorrow in hopes of finding out who they are. Not exactly sure how I'll handle it if I find out who they are, and what they were doing out there. There's no reason for anyone to be out there this time of year. It's a you pick it farm, but there's nothing to pick, and the market is almost closed for the year. I don't think they're hunters, and if they are, they sure as hell shouldn't be out scouting this late in the year, much less standing in a bait pile!!


*Supporting Member*
Yeah, they're right in front of my stand looking up at it. Taking to the pic to the landowner tomorrow in hopes of finding out who they are. Not exactly sure how I'll handle it if I find out who they are, and what they were doing out there. There's no reason for anyone to be out there this time of year. It's a you pick it farm, but there's nothing to pick, and the market is almost closed for the year. I don't think they're hunters, and if they are, they sure as hell shouldn't be out scouting this late in the year, much less standing in a bait pile!!

Ya never know what those two might be looking to pick. Could it be something green that's not a vegetable?


Senior Member
Ina Duck Blind
If you show them the pic, I'd pull that camera. They may go back for it.

Or buy a cheap dummy cam ($20) and put it in the same spot with yours sitting high up in a tree over looking it and the same trail. That way if they come in and steal it then you know you've got some real scum bags on your hands and can truly deal with it!


Junior Member
Found out who these assclowns are. They actually have permission to hunt the same farm I'm on. Nothing I can do about that, but I still hope to run into 'em and ask why they felt the need to not only wait this late to scout but to stand in my bait pile as well. Not that I've been hunting years and years, but I know better than to pull some shit like this! They should have been in there months ago!!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
look like a couple crop farmers checking on their crops. No guns and in the middle of the day in the middle of nowhere. Yup, Them there are some farmers ;)


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Found out who these assclowns are. They actually have permission to hunt the same farm I'm on. Nothing I can do about that, but I still hope to run into 'em and ask why they felt the need to not only wait this late to scout but to stand in my bait pile as well. Not that I've been hunting years and years, but I know better than to pull some shit like this! They should have been in there months ago!!

Last minute assclowns are as certain as the sunrise. It's a guarantee no matter how early you get started there will always be someone who goes out to hang stands, trim lanes, or scout at the last minute or even late October. It happens again about a week before gun season when those jokers start deciding it's "deer season". Just yesterday I saw 3 jokers wearing cutoff shirts pull in to the same gas station I was at, two ladder stands in the back of the truck. I just shook my head.. Just out hunt em, use em to your advantage.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hunters with permission wandering around at the start of the season is just about as bad as trespassers. If you bump into them feel them out. See where their stands are and such. Use the grounds "I don't want to step on your toes." Once you know where their stands are and predict their path to/from the stands, look for deer routes which skirt their stands. If they are this haphazard hanging stands/scouting, then they will probably be sloppy with scent control and such when hunting. The deer will know and avoid them to an extent.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Hunters with permission wandering around at the start of the season is just about as bad as trespassers. If you bump into them feel them out. See where their stands are and such. Use the grounds "I don't want to step on your toes." Once you know where their stands are and predict their path to/from the stands, look for deer routes which skirt their stands. If they are this haphazard hanging stands/scouting, then they will probably be sloppy with scent control and such when hunting. The deer will know and avoid them to an extent.

The biggest deer I've ever killed fell for that exact reason. Two other guys hunting the property hundred a bad wind and drove their truck halfway to their stand. They unknowingly bumped a doe and a buck. I was in a stand 300 yards downwind of the other two guys. At 7:34 am here they came.


Junior Member
The first red flag for me is the "stepping on toes" comment. Instant pissitivity mode, it just sounds condescending and antagonistic. No need to light a fire, especially since you both are guests.

Piss on them, they have permission, like Jack said let them do the work, make sure they know your intentions on hunting the property, exactly where your stands are, etc. if they don't respect that, then it's time to get belligerent. The one nice thing is now you know who they are, anything gets messed with, stolen, you know exactly where to look.