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Dignitary Member
Staff member
So Jessica and I went over to visit her nieces and nephews last night, This morning at work after washing her hair this morning Jessica finds a louse in her hair. She tells me this at like 9 o'clock this morning, So needless to say I've been freaking out all day. Every time the wind blows I think I have lice! Creeps me the hell out. Then she goes on to tell me that it is so common in public schools that most schools don't even do lice checks anymore? WTF! You mean they just let little kids come to school lice infestations and they don't even give a f***. I remember when I was in school they did lice check and if they found one, that kid got sent home immediately. All you parents out there, is this true that they don't even check for lice anymore in school?

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Find some tea tree oil or shampoo that contains it. Stinks, but it does the trick. (Tip from teachers, I aint never had them suckers!)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
Nope, no lice checks. I used to love lice checks and I would ask for seconds. As for lice, I would shave my head.


Participation Trophy Winner
We went through the whole lice thing this year. My daughter brought it home and gave it to my wife and son. My daughter is In middle so no they don't there. Once we reported it to the school she had to be checked daily. With my son he's elementary they come in and check his class, and he was checked daily at the nurse office.

Liz was allowed at school as long as they did not find over so many on her. With Levi we just shaved his head problem solved. Liz got so bad due to have so much hair she ended up at a specialist where they did some super heat tx.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Nope, no lice checks. I used to love lice checks and I would ask for seconds. As for lice, I would shave my head.

That's ridiculous if a school doesn't check for lice. Ugh. Another reason to hate the Ohio public school system. Principals and teachers are going to hate me if I ever have kids. I will be that jackass causing a scene.


*Supporting Member*
We went through this a few years ago during softball season. What a mess. You'd get it taken care of, then they'd be back because others didn't take care of it and would wear each other's helmets.

Best way......... buy a lice comb and daily comb your hair with it. It will grab lice and the eggs. After combing, put the comb in a cup of boiling water.

I got so paranoid over the lice that we continued combing our hair for about 2 months! :smiley_crocodile:


Dignitary Member
Staff member
We went through the whole lice thing this year. My daughter brought it home and gave it to my wife and son. My daughter is In middle so no they don't there. Once we reported it to the school she had to be checked daily. With my son he's elementary they come in and check his class, and he was checked daily at the nurse office.

Liz was allowed at school as long as they did not find over so many on her. With Levi we just shaved his head problem solved. Liz got so bad due to have so much hair she ended up at a specialist where they did some super heat tx.

That's rough man I don't know how you could do it. Let my kids come home from school with bugs in their hair. At least your school system tried to do something about it though.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
We went through this a few years ago during softball season. What a mess. You'd get it taken care of, then they'd be back because others didn't take care of it and would wear each other's helmets.

Best way......... buy a lice comb and daily comb your hair with it. It will grab lice and the eggs. After combing, put the comb in a cup of boiling water.

I got so paranoid over the lice that we continued combing our hair for about 2 months! :smiley_crocodile:

See I would be that asshole in the dugout going through everybody's hair like which one of you has lice. Jessica is usually very good at spotting kids that have it because her sister's kids have gotten it so often from school.


*Supporting Member*
See I would be that asshole in the dugout going through everybody's hair like which one of you has lice. Jessica is usually very good at spotting kids that have it because her sister's kids have gotten it so often from school.

It was the coach's kid. Made it a bit hard to be an asshole.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
It was the coach's kid. Made it a bit hard to be an asshole.

Screw that. Lol. I would mention it discreetly to him the first time. But after that I would bust his ass out in front of God and everybody. I would be that jackass that went and swiped the announcers microphone for a public service announcement. ""Attention parents! Attention parents! This is a public service announcement! Do not share a helmet with the coaches kid he's got bugs!"


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
No lice checks here anymore. Schools use to do this all the time but anymore they don't have a school nurse on hand to do it so they just don't check. Girls had it a several years back and was hell for them to get rid of it do to all their hair. The wife and I would treat the girls hair and I would sit here with my headlamp on going through their hair to see if they was all gone. Finally stopped using NIX and started using vegetable oil. The NIX would dry their scalp out so bad after a couple treatments that it made it almost impossible to see past that and find the eggs or bugs.

Had a couple kids in my son's school a few years ago that the office would have to check the kids heads every morning. If they seen so much as a dried piece of scalp that even looked like a bug they sent those kids right back out the door.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
My sister and two nieces had it last year and it was a nightmare for them. They had it forever.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Screw that. Lol. I would mention it discreetly to him the first time. But after that I would bust his ass out in front of God and everybody. I would be that jackass that went and swiped the announcers microphone for a public service announcement. ""Attention parents! Attention parents! This is a public service announcement! Do not share a helmet with the coaches kid he's got bugs!"

Don't worry Joe....They're kinda small anyhow.......rotflmao


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Chelsea would get it every other month in grade school. cost us a small fortune. Once she got into middle school the girls were so anal about their hair that it was no longer a problem.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
All this fuggin talk of lice has me scratching my damn head!!!!

Knock on wood we never had any issues with it but back when the kids were in school they did the check and the wife being a nurse was always checking as well.... But we drilled it into the kids during base/softball no sharing helmets....

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
I've been told that my kids school don't even send a kid home if they got it. I hope and pray that my kids never come home with any! Some parents should be ashamed of the way that they send their poor kids out each day, but they must have no shame and are part of the F.S.A. Bottom feeders!


Senior Member
Never had them but have two parents and a spouse that worked in schools.

My best suggestion....keep Dave a well shaven head.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks Joe. I just left Garrett's ball practice where those boys were ALL swapping helmets. My head and neck are itching just reading all this mess.

My experience: Graci had a sleepover birthday party. Assortment of friends from all social classes. Come to find out a cousin had lice but failed to mention it to us (nor did her mom) prior to coming over. I know. Ridiculous a parent would send a kid to a sleepover knowing their kid had lice, but you have to understand my sister in law. She is crazy. Literally. Has the doctor's excuse to prove it. Needless to say, somehow I ended up with the task of calling all the parents to inform them their child "might have been exposed to lice". Later, we came to find out she actually did NOT have lice. Like I said, SIL is crazy. Talk about embarrassing.