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Jesse's Off Season Thread


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
That tree didn't have a knot hole, that's why!lmao

Great pics Jesse! Sure looks like a great property to scout and shed hunt though. Did you see any other boot tracks?

No boot tracks, but I did pull a camera over there yesterday with half a dozen bucks still holding as of last week. We didn't spend much time in the corn fields looking for sheds. I don't know about Jesse, but I was doing more scouting than shed hunting. I'd like to get over there and focus on the fields.

Also, dude that had the deer crap hanging from a tree had hung his climber in a tree I cleared out for hunting that exact spot. Spent an hour clearing branches and shooting lanes.


Staff member
Things are shaping up well so far. With the minerals and cameras out, there should be some entertaining pics rolling in over the next few months. I have some great stand locations picked out and I've done a little work on the habitat so far this spring that will help these new stands. I'm setting up 5 new stands this year and leaving 2 in their original locations, so I am looking forward to these new moves and seeing how they play out. I also have the ability to plant some great plots this year, including an acre of corn in the heart of our farm. There will be a 1/10th acre radish plot on the south end of the farm and a 1/4 acre TBD plot near the corn. I know it will be another green food source, just not sure what I want to go with just yet. I will still have Hippie Ridge to hunt this year and the new growth from the timber activity has made it much thicker this year. I anticipate some good hunts there this fall. In addition to that, I also picked up 16 ares directly across from my house that holds a resident group of 10+ does right now. It butts up against a much larger farm and doesn't see much pressure from my end of things. I'll be placing a ground blind over there and using it as a spot to fill my freezer. The farm will be a "No Doe" zone this fall, as will Hippie Ridge. I'm still up in the air as to what will happen behind my parents. I'm waiting to see what my cams have to say. I did talk to a guy I went to high school with who hunted it this fall and he saw a good bit of deer over there, so it sounds like they are still there, just not wandering my way as much.

My first cam check is coming in the next few days so I hope things get started with a bang!!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sounds great, man! Go with some Buck Forage Oats or a generic oats/rye mix in that TBD plot. They absolutely destroy the oats in the fall... It should keep them attracted to that area all the way up to the point it gets cold and they transition to the corn.


Staff member
Sounds great, man! Go with some Buck Forage Oats or a generic oats/rye mix in that TBD plot. They absolutely destroy the oats in the fall... It should keep them attracted to that area all the way up to the point it gets cold and they transition to the corn.

That is the way I am leaning right now. I had some Buck Forage in back in 2007. Should have hunted over it...



Staff member
Not sure who all has heard that story, but sharing it helps with the healing right?!? :smiley_crocodile:

That was the first weekend I had Sandridge open for business and Swantucky brought his son down. We hunted Saturday and Hunter damn near killed a hell of an 8-point at my parents. Randy and I celebrated a little hard that night, so we slept in the next morning. He left around lunch when the weather took a turn for the worse. I debated and debated taking the muzzleloader out to sit in the stand where this cam was hung. It was a in a great spot to cover lots of ground, but I would have to take the brunt end of the 25 mph winds and blowing snow/sleet. Tracie was also home that weekend and since it had been 3 weeks since I had seen her, I elected to spend the afternoon with her. Deuce strolled by the stand in bow range with plenty of shooting light while I was shacked up with my old lady. Fuggin' killer mistake. But then again, the summer of 2008 and the subsequent heartbreak that would come during the '08 season never would have happened if I had went out that day...


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Yep! That would be the Holy Grail of the shoulda coulda wouldas! Dang, it's prolly happened many atimes to all of us over the years but you just have the pic to prove yours buddy. Dang!


Staff member
Yep! That would be the Holy Grail of the shoulda coulda wouldas! Dang, it's prolly happened many atimes to all of us over the years but you just have the pic to prove yours buddy. Dang!

Shitty thing is, I have even more pictures to go with more shoulda, coulda, wouldas! That wall of mine is damn nice!!! :smiley_blackeye:


Staff member
The first camera check of the new season did not go as well as I had hoped. One of the new DLC's I bought from Milo took 2 pics to the 168 that the SpyPoint right next to it took. I did get one buck on camera that I think could be Captain Jack, but time will tell. The good news was my minerals are already getting hammered at the farm.

On the food plotting front, I almost have my dad convinced to buy a 5-6' tiller for his tractor. If he doesn't, I have access to a 5 footer that will do the job. Hopefully I can get some ground turned us ASAP for the corn plot...


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
That's awesome Jesse if it is CJ but if not you'll maybe have another shooter to hunt. I'm still hoping Moe is still alive and shows up soon. Time will tell.

My bro sent me a pic of a guy out near our hunting area in Morgan Co. That found a great pair of sheds yesterday while scouting out a place to turkey hunt. They were laying 10 feet apart and will easily score in the 160's.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sweetness for Ric and his hunting prospectives next year!

Jesse- I forget the Hp of the tractor you guys have. My 30HP runs a 6' tiller but I have the outside tines removed so it is more like a 5' tiller. If the ground has never been worked the tractor gets one heckuva workout. Once it has been worked once (like our garden area) it goes through like a dream. Just something to think about. If memory serves correct your tractor was pretty good sized though. I would think 5-6' tiller would be killer on your setup. Just be prepared to take it nice and slow the first year at least in a few spots.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Oh yeah. I was thinking 45-50hp. You will be more than fine. Wonder if they make a 7'?:smiley_chinrub:rotflmao


Staff member
It was nice to have JB out at the farm this weekend to see the place to provide some input. I've got two new stands in the works that have me pretty excited!!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
It was nice to have JB out at the farm this weekend to see the place to provide some input. I've got two new stands in the works that have me pretty excited!!!

Maybe one day this summer I could come back down and help you hang some more sets. I'm always looking for an excuse to head south of Seville. lol