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What's For Dinner?


Well-Known Member
Just got finished with some venison cheese steak sandwiches.. yum.

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
I know I'm not a doctor, but I decided to prescribe this dead chicken a good coating of Mcormicks roasted garlic and herbs followed by a Yuengling enima in a vortex smoke bath for 1 1/2 hrs. on the Weber. Add in the onion stuffed bacon wrapped potatoes and asparagus that the wife made.....


I'd say it turned out to be just what the doctor ordered!!

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
That is a pile! Nicely done. The Rolling Rock made me think of my old man. He’s one of two people that I know drink them.
34 years ago when I first started working for NJ Bell, I was shocked to see a boss come visit the job site, he opened up the water cooler strapped to the back of the work truck and grabbed a rolling rock. I quickly learned that it was a breach of etiquette not to have rolling rocks in the cooler for the boss when he visited. I don’t know what it was about that brand but it was the only one that the techs carried in their coolers. How the times have changed...today you’d be fired if they found alcohol anywhere on your truck.