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spring morels


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Been a while since I’ve thrown one of these down on TOO! Brothas


Junior Member
nice start for the d
Wish it would have shown the end result probly going to have to order a few bags of those and try and see what comes up next spring ....would b fuckn awesome if it works, but from what i heard , the cant b cultivated. Guess ill try them. Have a buddy that has a shitake area that he did. Takes about 2 years after u start it but produces for years. You order the spores wich are nothing but qt inch pieces of dow rods cut down to about an inch long. Then you take oak logs about 5 inch round, and they were about 8ft long., He drilled holes in the logs about inch and half .. put the dow rod infused spores in drilled holes, then i think capped them with bees wax.After 2 yrs all summer long you could pick lots of shitake mushrooms off them..He would get so many that hed dehidrate them, then put them in mason jars ..and then you just soak them for a little in water and then there as good as new..Going to have to start a mushroom farm at the house. In 2 yrs or so ill b posting some nice pics.🤣


Junior Member
Yellows are the best. They just stand out like a sore thumb. Plus u can find one big yellow that will equal all the blacks and peckers i found today. All my finds were in areas that had no or not much leaf cover. Under all the leaf cover...ground was still cold as shit...But after 2day with this sun and warmth ,then rain tom,end of week should b some great hunting.
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Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
I hope I find a few when I come out in a couple weeks. I’ve never had them but with all of the effort you guys are putting out, it must be worth it. I’m getting more pumped up about hunting morels then turkey hunting.😊
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Junior Member
Once you eat some Sgt. Fury.. like a plate that Giles had , youll b hooked TOO..Fun to hunt,but there only around for a few weeks and there the best mushroom in the world
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