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Dignitary Member
Staff member
One thing I am having trouble with is knowing at a glance if a thread has unread messages in it. Its easy to see if a forum has unread threads, but the same doesn't seem to be true of threads with unread posts.

The basic Xenforo out of the box style does this by making unread thread titles bold. It appears to have been turned off on the custom style. Is there any chance it could be added back?

I always use the new post feature to see all threads with new posts. Let me check on the thread titles being bold and I'll get a fix in for you. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.


Dignitary Member
Staff member

The parent style bolds unread posts. The edited style doesn't. Somewhere I have screwed the pooch. I'll find it.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Grove City
Thanks for looking into it! If it gets to be too frustrating, let me know and I'll just use the New Posts feature like you do.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
One thing I am having trouble with is knowing at a glance if a thread has unread messages in it. Its easy to see if a forum has unread threads, but the same doesn't seem to be true of threads with unread posts.

The basic Xenforo out of the box style does this by making unread thread titles bold. It appears to have been turned off on the custom style. Is there any chance it could be added back?

Thanks to some investigative assistance from Tipmoose this has been fixed. Unread threads in forums appear a navy color and are bolded, to include those in the new post feature (as they are just a collection of threads with unread posts) I'm not sold on the navy so that may change but for now it's done.
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