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"J"s 2012-13 Hunting log


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Thanks Dan, The the closest I've been too one of them mangey bastards..... :smiley_clap: Jesse now it's your turn too seal the deal!!!! Get back out there and nock one down.....


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Haven't been out since I tagged my doe, will be going too the Stroud’s hunt..... Went too the farm I moved cameras too and pulled the cards last night before dark and the wind was howling and threatening rain so I figured good time too pull them... Didn't bust any deer out going in or out (not that I would of heard them in that wind) but had some interesting videos as far as bucks went.... Not great shooters but lots of potential shooters (at least for me that is lol) I'll try and post some up tonight if I get a chance..... Definitely will be moving some stands down there..... Going too stay away from it until late this month when I have time and then gang bang two stands up and start hunting it that day forward too see what happens playing the wind and I still have some ground blinds that may still produce at the minimum some good sightings..... Time will tell....


Staff member
Good stuff J!

I didn't hunt at all this weekend. I didn't do much of anything as a matter of fact. I hate being sick and losing two days of productivity just makes it worse! I'm still a little under the weather, so I hope things clear up before Thursday!!!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Yeah I had too work the weekend.... sucks but I'd still rather work it than go through what you've caught.... hate the crud.....

Hopefully you'll be as good as new by the weekend .....


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Can't kill em if you ain't out there! Just ask me, I know! LOL

Ain't that the truth Ted!!!!! Went like gangbusters the first week then had too settle down for something called work, but the next month is all for me!!!! Well at least most of it :smiley_coolpeace:


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well, quite the day so far..... Woke up with the intention of going too the stand and when I pulled out the crossbow I happened too look through it and turned on the red dot and the scope was fogged up to the point of barely being able too see through it..... Damn..... So off the outdoor shop after they opened and picked up a new one and back too zero it back in.... Get done and reacquainted with it and get cleaned up and smoke the clothes up..... Hit the stand around 1:30 and get set up and was enjoying just getting back in the stand with basically no rain coming down and the wind out of the W and gusting too about 15..... Around 4:00 a basket racked 6 point walks directly blow my stand and out in front of me @ 15 yards and stops quartering away..... Perfect shot if he was older and bigger lol..... Of he walks and heads towards the Rail road tracks.... About there and here comes the train I'd been hearing he turns tail and runs back at me and then walks by the way he came from..... fast forward an hour and a BBuck comes out @ 40 yards in front of me and walks out into the green field and proceeds too feed for the next hour or so and then comes back @ me and walks out in front of me @ 20 yards turns at my shooting lane and walks right at me goes behind me about 25 yards and beds down directly downwind from me.... I'm thinking too myself well it's a good think I smoked up before coming here lol.... Well he stayed bedded until well after dark and I slowly got down and walked out without spooking him, either that or he left without me seeing him :smiley_coolpeace: Anyway it was a good night too be in the woods with movement just not quite what I was hoping too see but movement none the less hitting it again in the morning if it isn't pouring and planning too sit the majority of the day.....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sounds good J. Wish I was out there tonight. I saw 4 deer in a partially picked bean field today around mid day. Stopped the truck (rural area) and glassed them. One was a decent buck. I think things are heating up in my area for sure. Best of luck tomorrow. I have been working up until just a few minutes ago. Yuck.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I must be maturing as a deer hunter either one of those would of been dropped 4-5 years ago lol..... This place is making me a shadow of my former self :smiley_clap:


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well, woke up headed too the farm I'm hunting only too find a neighbor and his 10 year old daughter getting out of his truck, talked too him for a few and we decided to hunt the opposite corners of the property.... They walked off toward a ground blind they had set up and I started too get ready and the more I thought about it the more I wanted too be somewhere else and let them have at it in hopes of her getting her first deer..... So I went back out too my buddies Dad's place and got settled in with plenty of time for things too settle down before dawn.... By the way that wind wreaked havoc with some of the trees on this place and I haven't been back out here since I took my doe earlier in October.... Had a total of four doe go by between 0900-1030 and not an antler in tow..... Got down @ noon and headed home grabbed a bite too eat smoked up the clothes again and put on some dry socks and back out too the original farm I headed too this morning.... Had the place too myself and was back on stand @ 1:30 and sat the remainder of the afternoon... Checked in on too a couple of times and just enjoyed the time on stand, about 5:30 three doe came out of a bottom and worked their way out into a hayfield.... Watched them and behind them for close too an hour with nothing in tow.... They fed out of sight and a train came by and after the train left three more mature doe crossed the tracks and worked their way through the same field as the first three.... again... no antlers too be seen.... stayed too well after dark in the case one would try too sneak through.... No such luck.... Plenty of deer sightings just a little concerned no bucks in tow.... Oh well tomorrows another day.... Enjoy the time folks....