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Hortontoter Goes Hunting 2020

Had my first sit on Friday evening, as usual forgot something, my watch. Got in my creek bottom box stand and felt that feeling of "this is where I belong". At around 5 or so I had three does approach from the north, which is to my right. Two fed up hill and behind a small swampy area in front of me about 40 yards out. The third doe, a mature adult, came towards me. She worked her way through my "kill zone" and got just to the left of my stand. She then made a direct left and walked straight to the edge of the creek that runs in front of my stand. Her demeanor changed in an instant. First came the head bobbing, then the four good hoof stomps, last was a loud snort as she bounded away. For good measure about 60 yards out she stopped to give two more good snorts.

I'm thinking OK, what went wrong here. Every encounter can give clues to what caused an animal to react as it did. My first thought was, after passing me at less than 15 yards, why the abrupt turn to the left and walking to the creek edge. Once there why all the typical on alert signs from her. She never put her nose to work and seemed honed in on something across the creek.

I leaned forward in my chair and looked back out my side window. THERE IT WAS!! Over the last couple years walking has become much more difficult for me. I had decided I must get my tractor closer to my stands than ever before. This spring I hade made a "blind" about 15 yards south and 10 yards behind my box blind for parking my tractor. Well I didn't make it big enough. Part of both back wheels and tires stuck out the back of the tractor blind. I'm sure this is what alarmed her. I'll remedy this before my next sit.
After five years of my camera being on the same tree in my creek bottom I moved it. I found this new camera position to get more pictures of the entire deer instead of rumps and bodies. Most photos aren't close ups, but they at least let me know which bucks are using this travel route.

This photo gives a good idea why this is my favorite stand to hunt. The funnel between the creek edge and the bog is less than 10' feet wide in a few spots. From my stand to the widest point in this funnel is only 25 yards. I call this my killing stand, for good reason.
First thing I want to say is congrats to everyone that has had success thus far this season. I've just not had the time to read here to keep up with all the IKS threads.

I have a few minutes to spare so I'll give quick recap. I fixed the issue with my tractor blind and the deer never seem to spook by its (tractor) presence now. I've seen bucks on nearly every sit this season. On October 28th I had my first shooter show up. It was 6:44 that evening and I had started packing things up to head out. I caught movement from my left in the quickly fading light. I couldn't make out which buck this was ,but he had a huge body and I saw enough of his tall tines and heavy rack to know he would make me happy. He stopped a bit short on the left side of my stand. I slowly moved the crossbow to find him in the scope. I settled in just behind the shoulder and touched off the shot. He took off like a bullet and ran up my tractor path towards the back of my property.

My buddy found my arrow it was a near complete pass through, but the deer carried the arrow about 20 yards before the arrow fell from his body. The arrow told the story. It had plenty of dark hair and virtually zero blood. Two of the vanes were damaged and the vanes had chunks of flesh on them. I knew this was not good at all. We searched and I did find one tiny patch of hair with a tiny bit of blood on the skin about 150 yards from where I shot.

We searched til near 11PM that evening and again the next morning, nothing to be found. I replayed the scene and I am convinced I hit a twig or some briers that I left on the left side in front of my stand for a bit of cover. When the buck stopped short to my left in the fading light I shot through this bit of brush not knowing it. I'm fairly well convinced from the sign I found this was a hit in the brisket and not a lethal hit. Thinking this doesn't make me feel any better though. Hopefully I catch a brisket hit buck on my cameras.

That is the latest for now. A bit warm for my liking until Wednesday or Thursday this coming week. I'll be back at it again then.