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cold shot


Active Member
Yesterday was a long day at work followed by Christmas light work when I got home. Night shooting was the only option. What I usually do is pull my 18-in-1 closer, turn on a small rechargeable spotlight which sits on the kid's trampoline at just the right angle, and shoot from the patio.

The first arrow was the best one. The rest were in the outer ring but the cold arrow was definitely the best one.


brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I’ve done a lot of of shooting at night Jeff. Lighting makes a huge difference. Even the angle of an overhead light in relation to your arrow makes a difference in side to side impact. But it’s important to have a fair amount of light, at least for me. If my arrow is shadowed, I shoot much larger, sloppy groups. It’s not that I concentrate on the arrow, but if you can’t see the thing, you cannot shoot as accurately. Point being, don’t sweat the slightly larger than normal group. I can nearly promise it was due to poor lighting.
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Active Member
I’ve done a lot of of shooting at night Jeff. Lighting makes a huge difference. Even the angle of an overhead light in relation to your arrow makes a difference in side to side impact. But it’s important to have a fair amount of light, at least for me. If my arrow is shadowed, I shoot much larger, sloppy groups. It’s not that I concentrate on the arrow, but if you can’t see the thing, you cannot shoot as accurately. Point being, don’t sweat the slightly larger than normal group. I can nearly promise it was due to poor lighting.

In three years of shooting a trad bow, I can say I always shoot wider groups in low light. I shoot "split vision," so I am looking down the arrow shaft, I just don't use the point of the arrow to aim (at least not consciously). I'm sure my wider groups in low light are because I can't see down the shaft as well. I'm thinking about getting a decent flood light for the back of the house to make it easier to shoot at night.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I shoot under a security light. If I have the target placed to one side or the other, I will impact to the corresponding side. Every time. It does effect things.
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We spent the last week or so on the coast of North Carolina, mostly on Topsail Island.

So yesterday's cold shot was about as cold as it gets. Not having shot for 6 days, and being out in 30 degree air after spending the week in shorts on the sand.

Good enough. It felt good to send a few.



Senior Member
I still have a buck tag, but the freezer is full. going out to hang my traditional trail camera and do a little medicinal deer hunting tonight. figured I ought to shoot a little with the heavy clothes on. despite my loathsome lack of energy for the last two weeks I have been shooting a little on the nice days. todays cold shot from 15 yards.


most of the ones after that were not that good, lol.


Active Member
I'm still shooting almost every day. I missed one day last week. Today's cold arrow from about 17, a tad high but good enough.

Today I told myself I was just going to shoot 6 arrows, but make them all good/clean form shots. And I did. Almost. 1-2-4-5-6 were all good shots. #3 was a turd, lost focus and shot fast. It was good L-R but just a hair below the yellow center.


Active Member
Who's still flinging? I had been shooting the recurve pretty much every day for the last month. Here's a few cold shots (don't know the dates off hand) that I had taken but not posted yet.

This wasn't cold, but it's a shot I take daily that's out of my comfort zone. A little uphill, which I struggle with. Usually from 18-28 or so depending on where I shoot it from. Tree tight on the right that will eat a collapse. I wasn't too unhappy with this one, but this shot usually gives me fits.

The area around my range bag is like walking in pure shit. I haven't been down there much lately.

The kid has been popping balloons when the weather has been decent.

Today I got out the longbow for the first time in a month or so. I shot it pretty well. The "deer" has a kill zone smaller than a dikdik I think.