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Cam pics of 8 pointer


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
I just received these cam pics from a guy that was hunting in the area where I killed the Indiana 8 pointer a few weeks ago and thought I would share them with you guys.....



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
That's awesome of that guy to send those to you. Great looking buck Gern. Congrats again sir.

Well, the guy that got the pics didn't want me to see them before the deer was killed, and even after I killed it (he's a jealous fugger) but he sent them to a mutual friend who gave them to me last night! Hahahahahahaha!lmao
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Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Well, the guy that got the pics didn't want me to see them before the deer was killed, and even after I killed it (he's a jealous fugger) but he sent them to a mutual friend who gave them to me last night! Hahahahahahaha!lmao

If he didn't want to give you the pics I bet he was really po'ed that an out of stater came in and shot his buck lmao. I don't see the problem with giving out the pics of a dead buck lol.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Very nice to have the pics to complement the shoulder mount! That thing hasn't gotten any smaller yet. Still a stud everytime I see this picture!