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  1. jagermeister

    Finally, something to get me excited...

    As many of you know, my newly-acquired hunting property up here has been anything but impressive on the trail camera and activity fronts this season. My mineral sights have gone virtually untouched by the deer. My expectations have been much lower than any other scouting season in the past, that...
  2. Tree Monkey

    Some of my Spy Point pics...(don't get excited, no big ones)

    Big Momma Simba Smart ass Momma and Triplets Dink Small Buck Looking for some tail NW Ohio Black Panther???? Wide brute Weird Yellow picture, got 7 or so.
  3. matt hougan

    Getting really excited

    Making my annual pilgrimage to Arkansas for three days of hunting flooded timber. I am absolutley ready to wet myself excited about stepping foot in the oaks again. We leave December 8th and personally I dont know if I can handle the suspense. My bags will be packed this weekend.
  4. Schu72

    Excited for youth weekend

    I’m looking forward to this weekend. My oldest son and I will be headed to southern Ohio for two days of gun hunting. I haven’t decided exactly what location we will be hunting yet. He seems a little concerned about being up in a tree stand, so we may be in a ground blind or box blind. He...
  5. matt hougan

    I am really excited about this weekend.

    My oldest son and I will be headed to the land of Woody Hayes for a weekend of deer hunting together. Packing the tent, stove, cooler, groceries, some brats. May even share a beer with him by the camp fire, we'll see. Temps should very pleasent for camping and its the rut...............woohoo...
  6. Jackalope

    Are You Excited For the Rut...

    . This guy sure the hell is... :smiley_crocodile: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCt_v8UTBUA
  7. ohio mossy oak

    New camo!!..I am kinda excited

    I just found a used ASAT Vanish Pro 3D leafy suit for 50$ shipped:pickle:...There like 150$ new....Most everything I own is Mossy oak new break up(surprise right) an pretty faded.To be honest its a dark blobby camo if you ask me..I bought it all when i didnt know any better.Alot of poly based...