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  1. Monster Raxx

    Cool Sequence

    Here is a cool sequence of pics I got.
  2. RedCloud

    Pretty cool video

  3. MandRroofing

    Cool Pic

    Thought this was neat,thought id share...
  4. dante322

    this video stuff is cool!

    pulled the card on my new cam today. first time I've had one with video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdpJo-eReNc&feature=youtu.be
  5. Monster Raxx

    Cool sequence!

    This was a cool sequence that caught my attention.
  6. finelyshedded

    Pretty cool smallie story.

    This isn't an Ohio fishing story but alittle of it taken place in Ohio. This story starts here at the Bass Pro store here near Cincinnati in the Forest Fair Mall. My brother in law took his family there back this past March to buy some fishing gear and tackle and to meet Mark Zona. Mark is...
  7. Dannmann801

    Cool video (especially for machinists)

    http://www.youtube.com/embed/BckZ4i1BzF0?feature=player_embeddedI just enjoyed this and thought I'd share http://www.youtube.com/embed/BckZ4i1BzF0?feature=player_embedded
  8. Ohiosam

    Cool video

  9. Big H

    Cool Sights

    My neighbor down the street called and said that he saw an osprey grab one of the coi out of his neighbor's fish pond the other day. I was rolling the lawn this am and saw the osprey carrying some nest building materials. On another note, I looked out the window the other morning and had a...
  10. CJD3

    Cool Dog

    He traded a beer for the dog! And he got the better end of that deal! this very cool dog http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=xdj67XknFrM#t=5
  11. finelyshedded

    Pretty cool

    One of my BILs is very talented in the art dept. and took it upon himself to paint a Muriel (sp?) of his sons silhouette when he went turkey hunting this past year. From a photo he projected it on to his bedroom wall and traced it then painted it. I think it turned out great. Just wanted...
  12. Beentown

    Trophy Ridge....very cool.

    Trophy Ridge React Sight... Just watch it....very cool. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxvASHu671E
  13. Monster Raxx

    A couple of cool pics

    Here are a couple of pics that caught my eye.
  14. "J"

    Pretty cool video

    A buddy of mine works for a gas well company and he was on a site and shopt this video....
  15. Milo

    Design your own wrap...Pretty cool feature

  16. Gern186

    Cool Story Bro

    This story might seem a little far fetched, but let me assure you I am not a bullshitter and it is completely true. Last week our regular group of 5 guys were down in North Central Ohio turkey hunting. As you may recall, on opening day Monday, the winds were blowing like a son of a bitch...
  17. saddlepants

    Too Cool. I Christmas!! Check it out!!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9XNfWNooz4&feature=player_embedded#! <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/F9XNfWNooz4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  18. camofry

    Cool casket

    Me and the wife have been getting some final things in order and when picking out caskets I came across this. It would be better if there was a Turkey in the lid where the deer is.
  19. Mike

    Cool decoy spread

    This is a buddy's pic of a deer in his decoy spread! They swim from the island and this doe was checking out the spread.
  20. Archertl

    Cool CD

    My I got a CD in the mail from my girlfriend this morning. The album is American Rifle by Tommy Conners. I dont know were she heard about this cd because its not her type of music but a lot of the song are good. I think its worth checking out. http://www.cduniverse.com/productinfo.asp?pid=8603428