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Well it’s official


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Got an old desk sanded and stained over the weekend. It’s been in my MIL’s basement for a couple decades. Wife wanted it for a computer desk. So be it, it’s done.
Sunday I taped off one of the spare bedrooms and we painted it yesterday. Came out pretty good. Put it all back together this morning and setup for the kids when they come for thanksgiving. The other spare room will get taped today and maybe painted. But if not today, for sure tomorrow.
Still going through things that we brought, reassessing their value of keeping. It’s a never ending process 😂
Rained all night and looks like it’ll move out this afternoon. Going too be a chilly night, might break a new record low held since 1977. I’m hoping for it 😂


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well made the trip back too Ohio today. Had the fireplace guy stop this morning and give the LP fireplace the once over and gave it a clean bill of health. Ran it for 3 hours and got the house up too 76* without any fans running. Should be a good alternate heat source if we lose power.
Going to ad a remote to it for a thermostat to keep it from running us out when I get back down there. More of a piece of mind than anything. Wife is versed on how to operate as he ran her through that.
Got a few things too so up here to get the house ready for the new owner based on the home inspection. He’s prequalified for the loan so after I leave the FHA inspector will come through and give it the same look over the home inspector did. have to add one more railing on the back steps too add. It is boarder line on the height for a railing so just going too add one and be done with it. Once the inspector goes through it we’ll get a close date and that should hopefully be it.
It’s actually gone a little quicker than I thought it would have but I’m not complaining. Realtor says we should close mid December. Fingers crossed....


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well home FHA inspector gave the nod too their mortgage company and everything is proceeding. I’m back up here staying at the house while I’m deer hunting with Ohiosam. Hopefully we’ll get a closing date before I leave so I can give the utility companies the nod too switch everything over too the new guy.
Wife put a surplus on the water and sewer as they’re antiquated on their system of payment. I’m supposed to walk in and say hi, I’m so and so and I need a final reading on the water meter so I can go back home 😂😂😂
Heading there tomorrow to enlighten them on how fugged up their system is 😂
Once we get the closing, I’ll let the power and gas companies know when the final day for us paying is. After that it’s on the new owners.
House is completely emptied. Kinda surreal at this point, 30 years and two kids growing up here and then them moving on with their lives, and now the wife and I are doing the same. Glad we did it. It needed done. Just wish I’d of done it sooner is all😂😂😂
Had a buddy I haven’t talked too in a while text me tonight. He had no clue what we were up too 😂😂😂
He’s going too Florida too fish for a week and he may stop down for an evening either down or back, or both depending on how it works out for them.
Leaving Sunday too head back down and leaving the keys with the realtor. That’ll be the last step in the process. Whenever I come back up I’ll be staying elsewhere, but I’ll drive by and check up on the new place and talk with some of the old neighbors.
Both kids and their souses spent thanksgiving with us, daughter and SIL are driving home currently. It was a nice feeling having them both there with the new place. Had a house full of dogs and kids cutting up like they did when they were younger. They’ll be down for Xmas as well, looking forward too that. We’ll be heading too Boone for our Xmas tree and have that trimmed out for when they arrive.
In the meantime there deers too chase and BS’ng too be done while chasing them 😂


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Got home Sunday morning from hunting gun week in Ohio. Monday was in the mid 60’s and sunny. Got some things done outside around the house. Tuesday brought rain and mid 50’s and today sunny and mid 40’s. Bristol and I resumed our morning walk this morning. Knew something was up when I heard hounds chasing something when we headed out the lane. They got close a few times but couldn’t see them as it was really thick. We held up for about 5 minutes to let them do their thing and hopefully move on. They did as did we, we made our way out the lane to the drive for the RC park. On our way there the hounds were getting close again and once again we stopped. Just ahead of the hounds out popped a coyote. It stopped for a second and spun around and went back the way it came. The hounds did the same. I kept Bristol close by with commands and a little help from the training collar. We continued on and on the return trip we encountered the hounds again, minus the coyote. Talked to the Neil after on in the day and he said a neighbor on the other side of the farm has coyote dogs and he lets em rum em during the day. He’s usually drinking coffee on his deck listening.
I may take a drive over and introduce myself and drink a cup of his coffee 😂

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
Got home Sunday morning from hunting gun week in Ohio. Monday was in the mid 60’s and sunny. Got some things done outside around the house. Tuesday brought rain and mid 50’s and today sunny and mid 40’s. Bristol and I resumed our morning walk this morning. Knew something was up when I heard hounds chasing something when we headed out the lane. They got close a few times but couldn’t see them as it was really thick. We held up for about 5 minutes to let them do their thing and hopefully move on. They did as did we, we made our way out the lane to the drive for the RC park. On our way there the hounds were getting close again and once again we stopped. Just ahead of the hounds out popped a coyote. It stopped for a second and spun around and went back the way it came. The hounds did the same. I kept Bristol close by with commands and a little help from the training collar. We continued on and on the return trip we encountered the hounds again, minus the coyote. Talked to the Neil after on in the day and he said a neighbor on the other side of the farm has coyote dogs and he lets em rum em during the day. He’s usually drinking coffee on his deck listening.
I may take a drive over and introduce myself and drink a cup of his coffee 😂
Could be a new fishing partner....did you find a replacement for Dustin yet?😂
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