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Your thoughts.


SW Ohio
Really dude, I would never shoot a person;s dog, unless it's a threat to a person.
That could have been a child's pet.
How many times have i sat waiting for deer and a dog or some other(a person) disturbance interrups the moment, then all settles down, and deer starts to move.
Guess it;s safe to assume you would shoot----oh well never mind not worth more on that subject.

Good point. I think it's worth talking about.

Goddard's law passed in Ohio not that long ago (Sept 2016). Shoot a dog that's not acting aggressive toward you and get caught and you're looking at a 5th degree felony, not to mention the wrath of the social media thugs.

There was a situation recently with an Ohio hunter shot two strays while deer hunting. Social media got wind of it and, in addition to death threats on The Facebooks (they found his phone number and home address and made them public), he also lost his job:


Call the dog warden.


Junior Member
Where I hunt dogs run around on bordering property even had a cow or two. Can't say I have ever called them names, only asked them nicely to run the deer to me. That guy have issues on other forums?