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The True Face of Liberalism.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Disgusting. Glad they fired her. I don't agree with their views on guns. Doesn't mean I wish them any ill will. That is sickening.

Anyone heard from Joe yet? He seeing black helicopters yet? Interrogation taking place? lmao


Junior Member
Yesterday was horrible to say the least I was fuming mad! As far as Hillary goes, she has ten times more blood on her hands than the Vegas shooter!

As far as journalism goes, is it 8 guns,16 guns,23,guns or will it be 12 guns by noon today?Tom petty died and came back to life 3 times yesterday. Pretty sure tho he is dead as of this morning. Sad to hear.

Anyhows back to Vegas, this story makes absolutely no sense. The way it's being spun.Infromation is minimal. No motive???

It leads me to believe maybe,I'm wrong, but I think the guy was was a leftist extremist maybe aniftia, I don't think we'll ever know due to the sh.t it would cause.

It's sad to say a massacre is a win for the left, it's sad to see politics in everything now days. They will be going after our guns. As usual. Yet heroine kills way more people and they let people overdose everyday with no penalty what so ever.

It infuriates me when crazy people do dumb sh.t as well as when people illegally do stuff in our country and our freedoms become infringed upon.

The bottom line is I think the MSM is the total cause of most of this insanity we're seeing. May God bless all the family's that were effected in Vegas. Also may God bring the understanding to all of us Americans on the right and the left, that the working class are the ones who make America great! We turn the wheels. At the end of the day we all want our families to be prosperous,safe, have enough to eat eat,bills paid, God fearing,and our next generation to grow up better than we did.

We need to all realize this and build from their. As it's said dividend we fall, unitied we stand. Can't help to think the MSM has a agenda their pushing..And it's not American. It's full time ,all the time negativity. Nothing ever good comes from negativity.

With my rant coming to a end. I just ask everyone try to do something nice for somone you don't know today, or tomorrow.