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Team 3


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Welcome aboard Ben! Glad to have ya! Having fun is what it's all about! Good luck this season! I like 3's in a Tree or some other version so far as well but whatever y'all like is alright with me TOO:)


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Well I didn't make it out today do to the wind direction and a comedy of errors this afternoon.
I was doing R&D work today and then I had to go adjust a machine at the shop. Had my grandson get my man cave key. I didn't get from him and my bow is locked up in the cave.
I did go to my food plot lookout and 3 does in the plot. 2 were in the clover and one in the forage oats. The one bowed a alarm snort and ran over to the other 2. I think my scent drifted down to them. The corner post shown is 200 yds. from my lookout.
The damn things were standing right under my ladder stand. I'm putting a ladder stand blind cover on it and hunt it.
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I didn't make it out this morning either...really wish i could have gone but, had to take care of the family...had a plan to ambush my target buck on his way back to bedding after feeding in my woods, but i don't know for sure what direction he travels to and from yet...kind of sure i know but not 100%....would have been nice to whack a doe though...maybe tomorrow...

Son is coughing non stop tonight...if he doesn't sleep his mom and I won't sleep...i'm planning on hunting in the morning, but if we don't sleep, well, lets just say if it was November, I would be hunting tomorrow guaranteed.
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I did run an arrow through a doe this evening...but did not find her yet...going back in the morning to look...a little bummed out...but hopeful i will be able to find the blood trail in the morning
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*Supporting Member*
N.E. O-H-I-O
Hi Ben. Did you even find her?

I'm still waiting for a cooldown before I get out. Looks like we may get one this weekend. I'm pacing myself this year so I don't get burned out before the rut.


Sorry to report...I found no sign yesterday, even the few drops of blood I found at the sight of impact were gone...I searched all the thick areas, found all their bedding with exit routes and followed them and still no blood...The rain overnight has washed a lot of things away, especially my sick feeling of not recovering this doe...I put the cams back up to see if she returns, won't be back in the stand till this weekend or maybe next cold front.

I have learned a lot of lessons here in a short amount of time though.


Anyone else getting colder temps in the morning? I know its early in the season but with temps at 40 degrees in the morning I am definitely going to get back in the stand in the AM. Any other teammates?

Any other ideas on team names? Just curious.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Whatever name y'all wanna go with is fine by me. So far I've only been able to get out on three 2.5 hour sits. One morning and two evenings in two different trees. They both are over unbelievable amounts of acorn littered oak flats.
My first sit during an evening sit I got skunked. The next hunt in the same stand was in the morning yielded an encounter with a nice size doe and her two early dropped yearlings. Both were spotless and fair sized. Several shots offered but let them go.
My last sit was Friday night and in a different stand about a half mile away over another hardwoods bordering a standing beanfield. I saw one lone small doe or bb run towards me at about 80 yards out from the bedding area and into the honeysuckle choked edge of the woods about 30 yards away apparently just wanting to stretch its legs.

Good luck to y'all on your next hunt.
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*Supporting Member*
N.E. O-H-I-O
I finally made it out on Sunday afternoon. The weather was perfect and almost seemed like a November evening. The acorns are everywhere in the areas I hunt too. Visibility is tough with all of the leaves, but I had a doe and button buck in and out of my shooting lanes for an hour or two. They got a free pass. I finally had two decent bucks show up on camera for the first time this year.
I may head out Wednesday, but will skip the ridiculous doe only muzzleloader weekend.

Shoot straight fellas!


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I haven't been out yet. I had to do the Lima gunshow so that shot Fri.-Sat.-Sun. Today I'm so damn sore from the standing and heavy lifting I'm out for the day. But I did do some serious sales and investments.
Getting serious on Tues. If it rains I'll try the new ladder stand blind I put up on my food plot.
Good luck to all.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I didn't go out today as it's rained hard all day and more on it's way now. Besides with this heavy rain I can't get across my creek to hunt anyway. Looks OK for Tues. and Sat.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Welcome Ben! Guys, I really do not care on a team name. We either pick one or we don't lol.

I made it out last Saturday for opening morning and that has been it so far, just too hot for my liking. Had 2 does and 3 fawns come through, but passed on them hoping colder temps would get here or maybe a buck would be following.

Given my schedule the next few weeks, I have decided that whatever shows up this Friday evening prior to early ML season is going to get it. I need/want more meat in the freezer and that is my #1 goal, so no more waiting.

This AM sure had the deer moving here in north central ohio. I saw more deer this morning than I have all summer long. Lots of coworkers said the same on their drive in. I love this time of year!


I thought about sitting in the stand this morning to watch the end of the eclipse...i thought they would be moving this morning...oh well, might sneak out tomorrow AM and come into work a little late!


*Supporting Member*
N.E. O-H-I-O
I'm taking the weekend off due to the ridiculous doe only ml season. Hopefully the surrounding properties push the deer over to our side of the fence for next week when bucks can be shot again.

Good luck if you go!


I understand that completely...I wish my place to be a safe haven for the pressured deer also...I might have to stop out a time or 2 or just drive by the place to make sure the landowner and I have put the Kibosh on tresspassing...I heard a neighbor shooting thier muzzleloader last night though, sounded like a dang cannon.

likewise, good luck to anyone who goes out!


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I was offered good cash to work at the Dayton gunshow on Saturday. I plan on going ML on Sunday and will do a all day set if necessary. Plan to give the meat to a friend who can't hunt due to health problems as I still have some meat left from 2013 and the neighbor doesn't want one this year.
If he doesn't want the meat I may just have the whole deer except the back straps made into jerky.