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Scent lok, scent blocker..worth it?

Hey guys not trying to spam here or anything, just wanted to take the opportunity to throw our two cents in. We love seeing these discussions with good hardcore hunters that bring different approaches and philosophies to the table. Good stuff!

We always say that nothing can make up for poor hunting habits. If you pump gas in your hunting clothes or wear your activated carbon in the house, you are only hurting yourself and not utilizing the ability of the activated carbon clothing. That being said if you use good woodsmanship and store your activated carbon clothing properly, it will definitely give you an edge. I like to explain it to people that it's a tool that will buy you time and provide opportunities.

To explain what I mean imagine this scenario. You are in your treestand 30 yards from a thick swamp. There is a slight swirling wind that you know will have the deer on edge. A nice buck steps out and you can tell that he senses something, but can't quite locate it or identify where it is. It might seem like he is catching a sense of danger from 60 or 100 yards off, but it's not enough to spook him. He takes a few more cautious steps providing you with a perfect broadside shot. Due to your good scent control practices and your activated carbon Scent-Lok clothing, you are at least half the distance to that deer than he thinks you are. So by using our products you will not only see more deer, but likely have more chances at deer within effective range. If you weren't wearing Scent-Lok that deer would have likely gotten a stronger whiff of you and would have never even stepped out from the thick cover.

As far as the cost is concerned, I guess that depends on what your description of "worth it" is. If you are already investing hundreds if not thousands of dollars in bow/gun equipment, trail cameras, leases, gas to and from your hunting spot, etc. wouldn't you want to pay just a few dollars more to gain an extra edge on the deer you spend so much time hunting? Our activated carbon technology clothing is only about $50-$75 more than what you would pay for quality NON activated carbon clothing. So for just $50 more you are getting scent control technology in a garment that is some of if not the most durable and high quality fabrics and feel that you will find anywhere. For as much time and money I invest in chasing whitetails, I want to make sure I can have every advantage and odd in my favor.

Is it the magic fairy dust that is going to solve every issue? Definitely not, but with good scent control practices, using your head and doing your homework Scent-Lok can do for you what it has done for thousands of others and that's allow you to see more deer and give you more opportunities than you have had before.

Again, not trying to spam here, just trying to provide some information. You guys are the first priority for manufacturers like us. We have always and will always continue to strive to bring you the best most effective products in hunting apparel. Stay safe and good hunting!

Scent-Lok Technologies
Welcome to the Forum!!!!! If the products are as effective as claimed..Then why not some sort of guarantee ??Say one like ASAT camo's ""See more game in your 1st year or we buy it back"" guarantee ..
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Junior Member
Dayton, Ohio
Interesting comments about his topic......

I am also curious as to how long the scent blocker/scent lok clothes stay active for? Do they have a shelf life? Does over washing effect them?

I also agree about the smoker comment. My wife would not tolerate that one bit.

I was at a local sporting goods store today and picked up a scent blocker cold fusion jacket. Regular price was $270. I paid $140. Almost 50% off.......when I can find deals like this I will buy it everytime.


Junior Member
NE Ohio

+1mossy Oak, I agree with ya 100%.. if it’s so much better than anything else outthere, guarantee it somehow…

+1for Jesse as well for the smoke process.

It’salways nice to see a manufacturer chime in on topics in forums. I just have acouple of statements again about this... Over the past several years it seemsthat S-L has changed their claim or verbiage on what exactly a hunter canexpect from their clothing line. If i recall correctly back in 2007 or even in2008, S-L lost in US District Court for false advertising by using statementsand slogans such as “odoreliminating technology”or “odor-eliminating clothing” without further elaborating on the clothing’sability to control odor. To me that sounds like your clothes do not eliminate scent!!! It seems you switched from thesestatements to these that were in your post previously; “Due to your good scent control practices and your activated carbonScent-Lok clothing” and this statement “So by using our products you will notonly see more deer, but likely have more chances at deer within effectiverange. If you weren't wearing Scent-Lok that deer would have likely gotten astronger whiff of you and would have never even stepped out from the thickcover.” So what exactly does your clothing do specifically????? You stated inadvertising for years it eliminates human order, well that was proven false, sowhat now????

I think everyone here takes their deerhunting serious, or they wouldn’t even be on this forum reading and talking aboutall aspect of the hunt, but the bottom line is practice good scent control byshowering before hunting (when possible) using scent free soaps and detergentsand some sort of liquid scent killer on your clothing.

It will be interesting to see if S-Lcomes back and discusses any of this, if they don’t you have your answer….

Oh the Amish comment was funny ashell.. I think if its brown they’re plugging it full of holes… makes me sickwhen I seem them in the woods…


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
I also agree about the smoker comment. My wife would not tolerate that one bit.

The smoking up thing just isnt for me and I dont think my wife would tolerate it at all!

This is about deer hunting not dear hunting. Who cares what they think when your after a big buck, besides the smoke smell washes off after a few good showers and even faster if you use some of their feminine products, that stuff will take the stink out of anything....rotflmao


Dignitary Member
Staff member
This is about deer hunting not dear hunting. Who cares what they think when your after a big buck, besides the smoke smell washes off after a few good showers and even faster if you use some of their feminine products, that stuff will take the stink out of anything....rotflmao

Anyting?????? Annnyyyyyting! lmao


Well-Known Member
This is about deer hunting not dear hunting. Who cares what they think when your after a big buck, besides the smoke smell washes off after a few good showers and even faster if you use some of their feminine products, that stuff will take the stink out of anything....rotflmao

Maybe it's no big deal to those of you with the libido of a 95 year old, but I still like a little nookie on a regular basis!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Maybe it's no big deal to those of you with the libido of a 95 year old, but I still like a little nookie on a regular basis!

Do you put your SL in a tote at the end of a hunt ?

Do I put my smoked up cloths in a tote at the end of a hunt ? Sure do

So that only leaves a small amount of scent from the smoke on my body when I come in the house. Take a shower and hit the sheets. No problem.

If the shower doesn't take all the scent off and i want some nookie I just use my Dead Down Wind wet naps and wipe down with that. Drives the women crazy when they don't know what way your coming from.

I was once told that if you constantly fold or roll your AC gear that over a short time that ruins the AC in the suite ?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ford, chevy, Dodge, I own them all. They all have their place. I have various brands of hunting gear as well. Shower, keep gear clean with scent free soaps, rubbermaid tote, change after drive to hunting location, etc. I also smoke up my clothes with the Scent Smoker. Does it work? I think so. Does SL brand work? I would say it is nice gear and couldn't hurt. I won't knock it, but I won't buy into it eliminating scent. Personally I think the law suit was BS and I don't think anyone totally believed it to "eliminate" human scent. It has already been said, but to each his/her own. I will continue to use every scent control practice I can (to include smoke) but I'll be darned if I go out and ignore the wind. I will ALWAYS play the wind.


Well-Known Member
Adam...They almost always go straight to the laundry when I get home. Some of my scent control are base layers so I don't strip down to my boxers when I get back to the truck.:smiley_coolpeace: I do store them in a tote when they come out of the laundry, no problems with cracking peeling or anything like that.

Oh...and the nookie thing didn't have to be that night, I was just meaning that if the laundry room ,which is on the first floor smelled like a campfire everytime I came home from a hunt, i'd be in the dog house on a regular basis. And I get the tote thing, but she still wouldn't appreciate it. Trust me.
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DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
I strip down to my base layers in the garage before coming inside. I have two pair that I rotate and they get washed after every 2-3 hunts. I take them off at the door and they go in an inside tote with my towels and rags that I wash in scent free detergent. All of my gear besides my bow stays stored in tubs with a whole poked in the side covered in duct tape, which gets smoked up before every hunt.

I shower, throw on my base layers, head to the garage and smoke everything up including myself. I wear my base layers to the property, then get dressed and geared up before walking back to the woods. I undress at the truck, throw all my gear in the tubs, and usually throw on a pair of jeans I keep in the truck before leaving.

The one thing I'm going to change this year, is making enough time to fire up the smoker out in the field instead of at the house. That would help with smelling like the cheeseburger I got from the drive thru on lunch break in my truck.

My Scent-lok has never seen the house or the truck. I actually rode home in my boxers one night after a hunt when I forgot my base layers. I was thinking "wow this is gonna look good if I get pulled over".

Like Phil said, to each his own. I think we all try to do everything we can to eliminate scent, but the majority of us still play the wind. All the little things add up!
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Staff member
I just told my wife to deal with it and now she deals with it. I'll be damned if I'm not going to try, or give up on an effective hunting tactic just because the Mrs. might not like it. Obviously some of your are much nicer guys than I am, that or your hunting priorities rank a little differently in your household than they do in mine. But that is an entirely different conversation!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
Im with you on this one Jesse, when its bow season I get the jar from the mantel that my jewels reside in and keep it the entire season. The rest of the year she has partial ownership of the jar, I know better then to get too caried away, cause like they say the women have half the money and all the nookie......


Staff member
HA! You're talking to the guy that held a $4K engagement ring in front of his future wife and made he promise that she would NEVER take issue with her playing second fiddle to deer season for the rest of our lives together! While sitting on a four-wheerler at the spot where she killed her first deer because "it was my favorite memory of us" mind you!!! lmao I wasn't fucking around either and she knew/knows it. I take very good care of my wife and I love her very much, but my passion for deer hunting runs deep and was engrained in me long before she walked into my life. Misguided youthful learning or just plain dickheadedness, but I decided long ago that no women, regardless of how in love I was with her, would get in the way of me pursuing my passion. Long story short, I'm not about to leave any stone unturned when it comes to trying/implementing new and effective tactics for killing mature bucks. If that means my wife hides the nookie for a while, I'm fine with it until I lose my right hand!!! lmao


Senior Member
I think there is a large misconception amongst a lot of people about scentlok and scent blocker etc... I think a lot of people believe that if they wear it it magically takes care of all odor. It is meant to do one thing, keep human scent in. You still need to maintain the outside of the clothing, otherwise your wasting your time. I am not a smoker, nor do I ever see myself being a smoker. I prefer to take the no scent, no one around approach. I was winded one time last year, and it was my fault. I had worn my clothes and sweated in them several times, I knew better but was being lazy. In result, I was winded. I rarely get winded. THe way I see it, one time last year after how many hours in a stand? Thats not bad in my book. I have a very strict process that I go through, and it works for me. A lot of guys swear by smoking, if it works for them then great. I also believe there is a correct way to smoke up and it isnt completely fool proof.

Personally I would rather smell like nothing then smell like smoke. Thats just me.


Junior Member
NE Ohio
Hey Jesse, I guess after everyone asked their questions of S-L and put them on the spot with questions and facts, they really don't have much to say.... Was their any doubt out there... I think it sucks when a bunch of good old boy here on this site just like talking bout hunting and sharing ideas have a manufacture pop in and interject noting but crap.... Oh Well...