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Need thoughts or advice


SW Ohio
Ah ok. I was assuming he was the sole landowner.

Sounds like you did the right thing. Hopefully his mother is at least in the loop on what he's trying to do.


Well-Known Member
In the Uplands
What everyone else has said is good advice. I will add that I offer to help landowner in anyway that I can. I send thank you cards for them giving me permission to hunt. I guess it all depends on the landowner. I have been very fortunate with my situation. I can say this though, trying to find new ground to hunt on has been a struggle for me this year. Something to think about.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks for all the replies. I guess I can see all sides of the situation. I will just have to sit down with him a figure it out.

The whole deal with the lease is it's technically his mothers and she is in her 80's. So I wanted her signature also. She lives out of state and I felt like he was trying to "lease" her land without her knowing. Just didn't feel right. Didn't think a contract with his name would hold up if things went bad.

If he is a genuine friend and you explain that to him, I hope he understands. Maybe he has legal power of attorney to act on her behalf? If this is the case then I'd think his signature would be legit but I am no attorney.


*Supporting Member*
This is a tough situation. Both of you sound like you aren't that good of friends. If I had a bunch of land and wanted to get a little money for it, I'd simply ask my buddies if they are interested. If they said well Al, we need a contract if probabkybe pissed. However, I wouldn't go out of my way to screw them over either.

Not being a dick just sharing another outlook. Best of luck with it!
Real tough situation. Definitely need to talk more with him and explain why you were hesitant and make sure you don't argue. Sounds like even though he comes over to eat weekly he feels as if he's getting the short end of the straw. Make sure you mention the idea of barter but don't forget if he's the one paying the taxes (do you know his arrangement with his mother?) on the land he may need help. Also remember that just because you have had this arrangement for years you still want to treat the land as his and thank him for it. It's very easy to get caught up in it all and think of it as a guaranteed place to hunt. Don't be afraid to ask him if you guys have done something wrong too to put this whole idea in motion.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Hunting has changed. It has become a rich mans sport. Society has changed. It has come to dollars, not helping each other.

Good luck man. I'd be sure to bring up the fact that he will have to claim any money made on his taxes as income.


Senior Member
Athens County
Could be that he has been offered by others to do a lease and wanted you guys to have first shot at it.
While it is your right to refuse to do it his way, in the end it is his land and he pays the taxes on it so he can pretty much do what he wants.
Does that make him a dick? No.. again he is the landowner,i realize he eats with you guys once a week and i would say you are getting off pretty cheap.
I would say somewhere along the line he has heard what kind of money guys are paying to have a place to hunt and he wants a piece of the pie.
If you guys dont want to do it his way believe me someone else will and you will be on the outside looking in.
Wouldn't doubt if the new guys he told to hunt your stands have already offered and he may be hoping you get mad enough to pack up and leave.
Sorry i know it's probably not what ya wanna hear but it seems to be the norm today,Sucks but it is what it is,..I guess if ya cant work it out ya can do what Rick's dad did and put a closed sign on the door. Ha!




Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I was in a very similar situation. My buddy and I had exclusive permission to hunt a farm. The landowner is great friends with my buddy. We had invested 6 years into the place. All of a sudden the landowners brother in law and nephew decided they wanted to hunt last January. They were hunting our stands, our blinds, etc...

Instead of causing problems between my buddy and his friend, I just pulled my stands and blinds and moved on. Wasn't worth the hassle. Besides, it wasn't my property to dictate who came and went.


I am in a situation that would fall in the realm of the same category, I think many of us on here will unfortunately deal with similar dilemmas in years to come, I will probably just go back to hunting state land in a few years and being satisfied. On a Few of the Ohio Whitetail facebook groups, the amount of arguing and complaints are endless. Just to be clear, I don't think your arguing or bitching, I think your in a very touchy situation where a landowner has seen/heard dollars signs, but doesn't want to legally give you rights in a lease, which would take some of his control away.


Junior Member
That's a sticky situation to be in for sure. Sounds like in the end someone is going to go home mad if an agreement can not be made. It really sucks since he is a part of the "family" and is allowing people to hunt your stands. I shared 5 acres with 1 other hunter. Not a lot of acres and only 1 hunter at a time. I had to coordinate with him prior to the day to hunt. We became good friends, he gave me permission to hunt his stands. Maybe an agreement to upkeep what youve started and keeping corn stocked in return to use the stands might be an idea to make everyone happy, at least until this season is over.