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here we go ...again...


Senior Member
I skimmed thru and stopped when I realized they couldn't spell "improved" :smiley_blackeye:

"Reasons can include changes in the deer densities or population and new or imoproved roads with higher speeds near deer habitats. "


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Same old shit another day. And I still don't see a single organization claiming to be "for hunters" going after these insurance lobbyists and the DNR for pandering to them.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Same old shit another day. And I still don't see a single organization claiming to be "for hunters" going after these insurance lobbyists and the DNR for pandering to them.

You won't see it as long as they are walking along side by side giving members discounted rates at the insurance company. That makes good business sense to me. Sign up to help wildlife and then contact the insurance company we approve and give them all your info even if it's for just a quote. One hand washes the other. The ORGANIZATION to protect and replenish the wild life was created because of insurances pushing to kill everything but, now they toss you to the wolves so you will sign up and support more organizations to protect your hunting rights all while paying the insurance company premiums to keep trying to take it away lol. Now the insurance knows you support hunting rights and wildlife because you just gave them all your information and they gave you a quote as a member of one of these organizations and now they have you by both balls.

Crazy if you ask me.


Heard it on our local news today...

How do insurance companies know how many deer there are but the DNR doesn't?

Also, none of these reports have suggested what their customers should do to help avoid these collisions...they will send you something to plug into your vehicles computer so they can monitor your driving habits and offer you a spit in the bucket discount "IF" you follow all their criteria but all they have to offer for this is "buy more" insurance?

Nice and legal scam if you ask me.
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spencerville oh
It made our local news last night at 6. funny how the herd declines and yet the accident ratio goes up every year. Do they ever realize more people are driving now then ever before. I work beside these idiots everyday on the road. Better yet let's build more housing developments in a deer's back yard and wonder why Mrs. Smith hits a deer two times in a year. Fuggin idiots


Junior Member
I see this as a good article from the point of view of an urban deer hunter! It justifies what we do to you're every day dancing with the stars, 6 o clock news, suburban layman. I do see what State Farm did there, though...


Junior Member
It made our local news last night at 6. funny how the herd declines and yet the accident ratio goes up every year. Do they ever realize more people are driving now then ever before. I work beside these idiots everyday on the road. Better yet let's build more housing developments in a deer's back yard and wonder why Mrs. Smith hits a deer two times in a year. Fuggin idiots

Exactly, more people are driving now and most of those people have a cell phone in one hand and aren't paying attention. That's the real problem, not the number of deer.