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Got me an SAR Assault Rifle...


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Nice 10/22! I've always thought the internationals were sharp looking guns.
The Ruger 25 round mags run the best the butler creek with the steel lips were hit or miss and the butler creek with plastic lips weren't worth their weight in plastic in the 10/22s I've shot. I also prefer the 10 rounders for hunting as the 25 rounders get in my way sometimes.

What scope did you put on it?


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Got to try the Butler Creek 25 round mag today. First I tried Federal Champion, that is a medium quality HV ammo with a 40 gr lead bullet. First magazine after firing the first round it jammed the second. Pulled the bolt back and the 3rd round chambered ok. Fired it and the forth round jammed. Cleared it and chambered the 5th round. After that I was able run the magazine. Reloaded it and again it jammed after the first shot but then it worked perfectly for the rest of the magazine.

Then I switched to the cheap Wally World bulk Federal with the copper washed hollow points. Ran 2 mags of them with no problems at all.

So at this point I'm happy with the functioning of the steel lips Butler Creek. However I probably will usually use the standard 10 mag because I don't care for the length of the big mag. The big mag is fun for bouncing tin cans around in the back yard.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks for the report, Sam. It sounds to me that clip would work just fine for my purposes...and that would be bouncing cans around the back yard.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
No problem Brock. Those mags are scarce right now. My dealer still had some but they are expensive. I got it at a less ridiculous price because I bought it with the rifle.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I had to go get a ten round clip for mine on Monday or Tuesday. Our local gun shop had plenty of them, but heck they may be gone now. I should have bought one while I was there to check out for myself.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
My 10/22 prefers the CCI blazer bulk packs over everything unless I step up to standard velocity or target grade ammo but the squirrels dont' seem to mind.