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FS 2013-2014 Hunting Journal


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
It's great to finally be hunting a stand I've yet to hunt the past two years!

Got in at 3:30 this afternoon and snapped some pics.

View to the north(cut CRP 45 yards out)

View to the east(standing corn<80 yards out)

View to the south(bedding area behind houses and a vacant lot)

View to the west(my entry through a beanfield)

View off TOO the SW showing my bow and a lane for 20-35 yard shots

I just hope I don't have any outside interferences tonight....

Good luck to those out enjoying the outdoors!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
El Skunko again, but I still had a great time sitting up in a tree taking the experience all in! What a beautiful afternoon and evening!
A neighboring LO decided to start target practicing with his semi-auto handguns for the last 1.5 hours of the evening. Must have shot close to 200 rounds. He was within 250 yards to the S on the other side of the bedding area. Oh well, still had a great time! Longest hunt I've had so far(3.5 hours)


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I forgot to mention that I found out who was trimming up shit and busting up
Salt blocks the weekend before season. As I was leaving last night he pulled up to my truck and we chatted. He is an older fella that lives a hundred yards or so down the road from where I park. He's hunted the property longer than I have and I figure he just asked a long time ago but doesn't have written permission. Pretty nice guy and just hope he doesn't booger things up for me. Just will have to hunt around him I guess. Just glad it wasn't a newcomer.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
El Skunko again, but I still had a great time sitting up in a tree taking the experience all in! What a beautiful afternoon and evening!
A neighboring LO decided to start target practicing with his semi-auto handguns for the last 1.5 hours of the evening. Must have shot close to 200 rounds. He was within 250 yards to the S on the other side of the bedding area. Oh well, still had a great time! Longest hunt I've had so far(3.5 hours)

Just trying to update my thread here as I forgot to edit the above posting on the 18th hunt when I got skunked after hunting 3.5 hours.

Hours hunted - 16.5
Deer seen - 5
Bucks seen - 1
Does seen - 2
bb/ yearlings seen - 2
Yotes seen - 1
Turkeys seen - 0
Shot ops - 3


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I had a hunt of a lifetime on Monday the 21st of October. It is the day I harvested my target buck named "Character". I will post the story as soon as I get some time. Please bare with me. My hunt on Monday lasted .75 of an hour. Here is my updated hunting log:

Hours hunted - 17.25
Deer seen - 5
Bucks seen - 2
Does seen - 2
bb/ yearlings seen - 2
Yotes seen - 1
Turkeys seen - 0
Shot ops - 4
Shots taken - 1


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Thanks Marcus!

Took Karissa out for an afternoon to evening hunt yesterday and we hunted 3 hours and had a blast. We saw a doe and a young one across the field at 200 yards. They came in to within 60 yards and left. Karissa had a coon pop out of a den tree at eye level at a distance of 8 yards which was pretty cool. Here is a pic in our new predator camo before we headed out.

Hours hunted - 20.25
Deer seen -7
Bucks seen - 2
Does seen -3
bb/ yearlings seen - 3
Yotes seen - 1
Turkeys seen - 0
Shot ops - 4
Shots taken - 1


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Thanks for the well wishes Dick. Today after I get up I'm showering and wearing some smoked up camo and visiting my stand where I killed Character. Gonna pull it and most of the steps and look for the other piece of my arrow with the BH.

Then I'll check my two cams(one over the scrape) and swap if I have a fair number of videos then if I have time put the stand I pull up in another tree I already have a stand in so Karissa and I have another stand location to hunt.

Good luck to everyone hunting this week!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Well, yesterday I got a lot of good stuff accomplished and today I finished it all up.

Yesterday I pulled my LW I killed my buck last week and got it in the garage all ready to take down to SE Ohio so we can set it up in one of Ron's trees so I can film him during the late rut or deer gun if he isn't already tagged out. I also looked for the BH and half of my arrow but still can't find it. It was very noisy out there so I slipped out as not to disturb the area TOO much for Karissa. I also took along the extension pruners and spent an hour clearing out a few more shooting lanes down below to the crick bottom so Karissa has a few more shots there. Swapped out both cards that are along that bottom and the one that's just 40 yards below us facing down the trails that inner twine in her freshly trimmed lanes revealed a nice 120" 8 point using that bottom. Got him on two different dates but both were under the cover of darkness though. He has been through there in daylight though cuz he's the buck walking pass the scrape in my last post showing a pic of antlers with nice tine length above on this page. Here is a few pics of him.

With the heavy rains expected later tonight and this week I'm hoping it cleans up any scent I might have left behind. Glad this is done!

Today I went and pulled two more stands(another LW and Muddy Lite) and got them out. I drove down the road a piece and carried the Muddy to the tree I killed my buck last Halloween and hung it beside my stand. Locked it in and now we have two sets in which to hunt now.:pickle:

It's nice to have two sets so we can rotate so's not to wear it out and also have a change of scenery. I just have one more stand to pull(API) then I can relax and just hunt. I'd leave it up and hunt it but last winter during late muzzy I found boot track in the snow where someone was going to try and hunt it or take it. Don't need that crap!

Hope everyone has a safe and successful season. Should be some big boys hitting the ground over the next couple weeks. Good Luck!

Oh, the scrape activity hasn't even started hardly in my area. The cam over the scrape just had a small 5 pt. walking through it and a doe hanging around. Can't believe nothing has came in and activated it yet!
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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Back atcha Brock! Hope you and Mason tag team some nice deerz soon! It's really picking up bigtime around here. I find it odd that I haven't found but one small scrape and the primary hasn't been touched yet.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Got a bit of disappointing news yesterday as I was headed out the door for work. Karissa told me that her volleyball coach wants all the girls to go to the football game Friday night so they can be honored by having their names announced over the PA for their achievement of being co-champions this fall. That's cool and all but we were going hunting!!! Dang....I was really looking forward to it!
Oh well, she said she'll go Saturday morning and the afternoon! YIPPIE First I'll have to get her out of bed! Lol