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Brock following Mason through the woods.


Junior Member
dunn nc
That isn't all that is showing up. Mason and I just stopped by this dude's house two weeks ago to tell him I was going to prosecute his butt if I caught him trespassing again. Guess what...poachers are dumb. I haven't heard back from the WO yet. I'll be calling him again here shortly. I spoke with a buddy that is a WO in a neighboring county yesterday. He seems to think I can hang this cat.

makes you wonder how many deer he has poached on the property

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
He was complaining that he hasn't killed a single deer this year. The two hundred acres he is allowed to hunt doesn't have deer on it anymore... It is across the road from my property! He said he's always killed three in years past. Apparently since numbers are lower he feels the need to sneak in and poach what's left.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I have every intention of trying Rick. My buddy told me the Ross Co WO is off until Monday but he is supposed to get back to me over the weekend. Hopefully Monday he will issue a citation. I've already emailed pics to him.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
It won't be on FB. I'm friends w the LO and don't want to make a scene. This prick rents one of their houses.


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
I checked a cam out at the gar hole today. Had some bucks show up that I am not familiar with. I dumped a little corn, we'll probably give it a go on Sunday just because. AJ- I wish you fellas would have seen some of these deer on your trip! We are certainly leaving plenty of good ones to chase next season!

Yup. Any one of those would have looked nice in the back of my truck. Of course it's hard to see deer when it's almost 80 degrees out every day. That sure was strange for late October but oh well that's hunting.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
He is. He was sure to point out how helpful he was. I went ahead and thanked him, and assured him it wasn't enough to get permission to be on the property poaching. Screw him.