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Another one....


Junior Member
NW Ohio
Being in this line of work.....The shooting in Florida, sounds like all the warning signs where there.

I have mixed feelings how to prepare, defuse, or combat for some thing likes this. I have thought that about teachers with guns but there are only a few of my coworkers that would be qualified to carry that responsibility. I thought about what if you had a service/protection dog that would be deployed during an intruder. I have a plan in my head, what I worry is that we prepare so much every student knows the protocols. We use to do the hide and shut up system, now we have the ALICE training. The truth of the matter is we will never be fully prepared for the real thing! I know there are a couple fellow educators on here, every time one of these shootings happen, it makes you think.....


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Our small county school has locked doors, so anyone coming in has to be buzzed in. But if someone has evil in their heart, and knows the daily schedule and movements, there's always a way for them to inflict damage. It seems this massive high school is more like a campus, with people moving from building to building. Very difficult to prepare for something like this. My only thought has been with all the veterans we have with training, after they complete their service, start hiring and training some of these guys to be armed guards at every school. I cant fathom what those people are going through not seeing there kids again


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Evil finds a way. This kid had all the signs but so haven't many others.

He was another Leftist Antifa supporter.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
My idea has always been to add a pay differential increase for teachers willing to attend a 3 week course at the Peace Officers Training Academy specifically designed for school shootings. In this training class they will learn skills such as response tactics and marksmanship where they will also obtain their CCW. Then pass a state law requiring Schools to maintain 25% certified staffing in order the maintain state funding. In today's day and age it seems like teachers should be required to know these skills just as much as we require them to know how to teach.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
We need public executions. Hangings. If on occasion a head would be torn off, these folks may not see their acts of violence in such a glorified way.


Junior Member
NW Ohio
My idea has always been to add a pay differential increase for teachers willing to attend a 3 week course at the Peace Officers Training Academy specifically designed for school shootings. In this training class they will learn skills such as response tactics and marksmanship where they will also obtain their CCW. Then pass a state law requiring Schools to maintain 25% certified staffing in order the maintain state funding. In today's day and age it seems like teachers should be required to know these skills just as much as we require them to know how to teach.

I completely agree!


Junior Member
NW Ohio
I work with kids who sadly fall into this demographic.....the bottom 20%

I feel that we fail those kids in the form of support.....but when that support fails or lacks, we need to be adequately prepared to combat those actions that we are use to seeing.

I am in no way saying it's the schools fault, in my opinion, it's the home life that has truly failed the kids! A lot of learned behavior and products of their environment.
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Agreed Brock.

I also agree with the idea of teachers carrying. The thought alone of someone in the room with a gun might be enough to defuse a situation. After all, this is a mental game IMO.

Put these people on blast, put a camera on them after you tie them to a pole in front of the victims loved ones.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I work with kids who sadly fall into this demographic.....the bottom 20%

I feel that we fail those kids in the form of support.....but when that support fails or lacks, we need to be adequately prepared to combat those actions that we are use to seeing.

I am in no way saying it's the schools fault, in my opinion, it's the home life that has truly failed the kids! A lot of learned behavior and products of their environment.

Home life and their environment is going to get worse as time goes on. With the middle class falling into poverty and the poverty class falling even lower it's only going to get worse.


Senior Member
My idea has always been to add a pay differential increase for teachers willing to attend a 3 week course at the Peace Officers Training Academy specifically designed for school shootings. In this training class they will learn skills such as response tactics and marksmanship where they will also obtain their CCW. Then pass a state law requiring Schools to maintain 25% certified staffing in order the maintain state funding. In today's day and age it seems like teachers should be required to know these skills just as much as we require them to know how to teach.

in a perfect world, this is THE solution. Some public executions would only make it work better, imo. In reality, the logistics of implementing a program like this, in even the most conservative districts, are likely insurmountable.

My wife works in a Columbus Public High school, 21 years in the same building now. The racism, sexism, favoritism, disrespect, lack of order and discipline that she relates to me on a daily basis makes my head want to explode. I doubt that 25% of the faculty and staff would be willing to carry a gun. Teachers, as a whole, are a bunch of bleeding heart progressive Libtards. You also have the NEA and OEA to contend with as well.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Home life and their environment is going to get worse as time goes on. With the middle class falling into poverty and the poverty class falling even lower it's only going to get worse.
Actually we are trending the other way. More people are moving into the middle class. The bar keeps changing but the middle class is growing.

Frankly I don't think it has much to do with money but more of a heart/health issue.

Our poor are richer than most of the world.


My idea has always been to add a pay differential increase for teachers willing to attend a 3 week course at the Peace Officers Training Academy specifically designed for school shootings. In this training class they will learn skills such as response tactics and marksmanship where they will also obtain their CCW. Then pass a state law requiring Schools to maintain 25% certified staffing in order the maintain state funding. In today's day and age it seems like teachers should be required to know these skills just as much as we require them to know how to teach.

I think that would work in some of the smaller rural schools but good luck getting that into schools in liberal big city areas. We always had a cop in our school however I don't think one is enough. I would think a minimum of two, probably three would be required. If course it depends on the size of the school.


My idea has always been to add a pay differential increase for teachers willing to attend a 3 week course at the Peace Officers Training Academy specifically designed for school shootings. In this training class they will learn skills such as response tactics and marksmanship where they will also obtain their CCW. Then pass a state law requiring Schools to maintain 25% certified staffing in order the maintain state funding. In today's day and age it seems like teachers should be required to know these skills just as much as we require them to know how to teach.

I agree, basically we are going to arm the football staff


When I taught in NC I had an exit door right next to my teacher desk, since I now work in a lock down institution as a educator I don't worry about intruders. In each school I have worked in I have always prepared my own personal plan if shit ever hit the fan, screw protocol
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We need public executions. Hangings. If on occasion a head would be torn off, these folks may not see their acts of violence in such a glorified way.

Why would killing people in public deter more than execution in a building? I think not letting people sit on death row for 20 years might. They need to come up with a better system. Maybe something like one appeal and Max of one year of waiting. I don't know about you guys but I don't want to watch someone die right in front of me.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Why would killing people in public deter more than execution in a building? I think not letting people sit on death row for 20 years might. They need to come up with a better system. Maybe something like one appeal and Max of one year of waiting. I don't know about you guys but I don't want to watch someone die right in front of me.

Let one of my kids be one of his targets...I’ll watch while eating sandwiches.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Actually we are trending the other way. More people are moving into the middle class. The bar keeps changing but the middle class is growing.

Frankly I don't think it has much to do with money but more of a heart/health issue.

Our poor are richer than most of the world.

More and more people are paycheck to paycheck then ever before. It will only take one little hiccup and most of the middle class falls back to poverty. Poverty are only holding on by the back breaking of the middle class imho. How long do you think it will be before the middle class has had enough of their hard earned money being given to those that refuse to work? It's a powder keg ready to blow. You remember how they were giving out home loans and not really making sure people could actually afford them and housing market fell? Lenders are now doing the same with auto loans and only checking about 8% of loans to make sure people can actually make steady payments.

It is a mental health issue. These kids can't get away from the drama anymore. They can't have issues at school and get away from it by going home at the end of the day. Works in reverse as well. They can't escape home life by going to school or going somewhere else and all because they can't put the electronics down long enough. It follows them on social media or text wherever they go and add in the addiction to electronics and they can't put their damn phones down so it's constantly in their face.