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36 pt taken


Junior Member
SE Ohio
Boy this is a tuff crowd. The guy gets his first deer, a very nice one at that and all most of you can do is throw fecal matter at him and cross bow hunters.

He did go back in the morning and find/retrieve it. It blessed his day. How much more does he have to do? Just wonderin'.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Boys.... I love deer hunting... but I will admit, if I hunted for 23 years and didn't kill even a doe, my ass would have started fishing long ago!

Great buck though!! Lots better than my first!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Boy this is a tuff crowd. The guy gets his first deer, a very nice one at that and all most of you can do is throw fecal matter at him and cross bow hunters.

He did go back in the morning and find/retrieve it. It blessed his day. How much more does he have to do? Just wonderin'.

I am happy for the dude. No hate from me but.... That was a horrible article, horrible pic, and to bowhunt for 23 years and not ever "arrow one" reads alot more than what is on the surface. We actually embrace our xbow hunters here. All of that was razzing and it comes from knowing the members a bit better.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Boy this is a tuff crowd. The guy gets his first deer, a very nice one at that and all most of you can do is throw fecal matter at him and cross bow hunters.

He did go back in the morning and find/retrieve it. It blessed his day. How much more does he have to do? Just wonderin'.

I don't care what the guy shot it with. I just thought it was poorly chosen wording by saying the guy has hunted for 23 years and this was the first one he has HIT making it sound as though he has shot at hundreds of deer over 23 years and never hit a single one. Just doesn't paint an archery hunter and moreso a crossbow hunter in good light in that article.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I just thought the article sucked. Not the hunter's fault.

True.. But... I think both are somewhat to blame here.... I know if my deer picture was going in the paper, it wouldn't be a truck buck.... Especially one that has a mobile dumpster in the back.... Just saying...

I think the article was very poorly written... But I don't think homeslice gave her much to work with either... If Ren did an article on Stimpy i think we would get much the same results...