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  1. hunna771

    Kayak Tips & Pointers??

    I've been thinking about getting a kayak for a longtime, but never felt the true need for one. After this past summer of flyfishing the Maumee River almost everyday, going up North to the PM and hitting some pretty big lakes, I think i'm ready to get one. I honestly have no idea what to look for...
  2. hickslawns

    Long range tips

    I know it is late to be attempting to "fix" any issues with my long range shooting. However, I will say I am extremely confident (90-100% confident) in shots 30yds and under and probably 75% confident at 40yds. Outside of one deer I killed at 36yds, I don't think I have ever killed one over...
  3. Beentown

    Tips, tricks, practice, must buys, etc...

    Just like the title says. Any advice from practice regimen, hot buys to placing decoys or anything else really? Kind of a free for all. One thing JohnROH and I did today that I think is going to help is shooting clays out of the lay-out blind. We put a blind on the side of the pond and the...
  4. Schu72

    Tips on selling a used bow

    I'm thinking of parting my with bow so I can upgrade to something newer. I troll AT quite a bit, but I haven't seen a used Iceman in quite some time. Throw in the fact that mine is a lefty and I'm not sure what to expect. I did list it on Craigslist for $425, but I was really just guessing...
  5. W

    Catfish tips and tricks to share with beginners.

  6. S

    Hardcore survivalist tips and tricks

    Decided to start a discussion on "serious" survival tips and tricks. Things it would be helpful to know if you were stranded in the wilderness, desert, etc. For example, I just read a great article on how you can make rope out from plants. Here is link to the info...
  7. S

    Animal Tracking Tips 101

    I've recently started to learn more about animal tracking and find it rather fascinating. Perhaps we can exchange some tips and suggestions. What works for you and in what situations?
  8. S

    What are your top five Deer hunting tips?

    I know there are a lot of deer hunting experts and novices out there. Would love to read some of your top tips.
  9. xbowguy

    Tips, Tricks and Ideas

    We all have a few tips and tricks that we use year after year. Whether it be for convenience or a solution, they just may help another hunter to pass those along the way. First and most handy at times for me is a spray bottle of peroxide. We have a small 89 cent spray bottle and keep it full...
  10. hickslawns

    Muzzle loader cleaning tips

    As anyone that shoots a muzzle loader knows, they can be pretty picky if not properly cleaned. Hopefully this thread can be informative and we can all gain some ideas on the best care for our muzzle loaders. Today I learned a new trick. I was having one heckuva time getting the nipple...
  11. bowhunter1023

    Scouting Tips

    I got some good news tonight after dinner and it looks like I'll be able to swing buying some waterfowl gear for my Christmas present from my wife! :smiley_clap: I know I need some goose dekes and I want to get a different goose call. Along with filling the needs, I need to pick up some of my...
  12. Dannmann801

    Safety Tree Stand Rules, Tips, Reminders

    Fill it up boys
  13. H

    Any tips for 1st timer?

    I just got into hunting last year and can't believe what I have been missing. I love the outdoors and fishing but never tried hunting. I have bought some gear, read a lot, watched a ton of videos and practiced with the calls. Do you guys have any tips for a 1st time turkey hunter?
  14. Tree Monkey

    Tips for Newbies

    Ok.....If everything works out I will be taking up turkey hunting this spring. Now I am completely oblivious to.this sport.....so I am asking you guys for advice......how to.scout .....what habitat to look for ......hunting techniques .....types of.calls....you guys get the point. Thanks for...
  15. Thunderflight

    Tips on avoiding black helicopters

    Any tips? I think my association with Jackalope is finally out.....