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Charles Alsheimer's 2012 Rut Predictions - Ohio Edition

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
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Hardin County
I watched a nice mature buck yesterday nosing around a doe. Had a buddy about a mile from the property that I hunt that watch 3 or 4 different bucks dogging does in a bean field. That evening he watched a mature buck breed a doe.


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Staff member
It's getting there. Was feeling like I was a little early for the rut this year and was slightly dejected. I've saw 9 does yesterday and none of them with bucks. I also saw two forms who were not acting rutty. I pulled up across a cut bean field from this woman's property who has 500 no trespassing signs and just about as many deer. I sat there contemplating which stand to go to and laughing at myself for wanting to be in a stand at high noon till dark when nothing was happening. After about 20 minutes I see a deer bolt from the woman's woods and hook a left down the edge. Nose down and big body. He wasn't pushing a doe but was looking. I got the binos on him and saw he was likely between 160-170 and about a 10 pt with mass. He went about 200 yards and cut back in the woods. I drove around the corner and down the road to a property I have permission on. The woods is only about 500 yards wide and a mile long. With 4-5 houses. I'm about 1/3 of a mile from where he went back in the woods. Bad wind for this stand but he was heading this direction nose in the wind looking for does. In the smoker I trust. Just keep on trucking down here buddy I'll be here all day.


Junior Member
Good luck Jack!!!

It's def almost that time. I saw some deer cruising, others not. Some does by themselves and yearlings missing momma, and some not. I def think it's going to be heavy chasing for the next week, then lockdown will happen for a few days. I'd get er done before the 14th for sure...


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
I just checked my trail cam and sho nuff there was a good buck up there runnin a doe yesterday while i was sitting below. Nothing on it from this morning but i did see a couple deer up there running. Just couldnt tell what they were. Im hitting a diff spot up around the top the rest of the week. I gotta see something up there. Im the only one in 200+ acres in the woods.

Its been frustrating so far but i have the rest of the week. Seeing that big boy sat out of range has been the biggest gut wrenching kick in the pants so far.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I've seen some chasing, and some acting like they could care less about the rut. Downside is it is supposed to warm up into the 60-70 range by this weekend. That will shut it off till it cools again.


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Wifey works Tues/Wed/Fri and is out of town Sat/Sun. Hoping to tag a doe on Thursday. Locally, this is my only real hope outside of filming some bucks or catching a random coyote going by. My biggest thing is hunting where I won't screw up any of my buddies on their hunts.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Hope the vacation time I have for Friday-Friday works. Been hit or miss around here with the deer movement. Seems some days they are on their feet checking and cruising and other days not at all. As Ric said though " If it isn't happening around you it is happening somewhere " is probably the best answer and sure it is just a matter of ass in seat time that will make the difference. As Brock said too " Deer move a great distance during this time " and could end up right under you at anytime.

Good luck to those that still have tags and deer to chase.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Saw that big buck out nose to the ground cruising at 11:30. Sat in a stand 1/3 of a mile south for 6 hours and saw 1 deer way across the field. It's happening somewhere and I think certain areas just have their days. When a doe goes hot every buck for a mile comes through at some point. If you're not where she has went by or is you won't see bucks.