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My doe and buck observances, thoughts and opinions appreciated


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Something I have been thinking about lately. Thought I would share. Just a way to learn, share opinions, and see how it plays out.

I have 4 properties I hunt. Two of them have turned up numerous does and fawns but almost NO bucks. One has a regular 5pt buck but I feel this buck is last year's fawn and still hanging around with Momma. The other has only had random young bucks and with very little consistency. Zero buck pictures in the last 30 days.

The other two properties have shown "some" does and fawns, but mainly bucks. We know some have shed velvet and others are getting close. I realize some of these bucks are going to disperse as the velvet peels and a percentage will be forced to find their own home ranges.

I have my own theories, but let's see what thoughts and opinions pop up so I can find out if my theories are on track. My questions would include:

Traditionally, when do you start seeing new bucks on camera or while scouting? Please exclude the rut because this is too obvious. We all can possibly see new bucks during the rut.

If you have a similar property and the does/fawns are comfortable in these areas, do you stay out until closer to the rut or do you hunt it anyway?

Do you think more does will move into the buck heavy properties as the bachelor groups disperse? Do you think the bachelor groups tend to push out the doe groups throughout the summer?


*Supporting Member I*
North of Toledo
In places where i have a lot of doe activity and few bucks. The bucks start showing up around the first week of oct.
I dont see to many strangers till the end of oct.
In the areas where i have been seeing a lot of bucks, The bucks have slowed down the last 3 weeks.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
It's very common every year about the time they are shedding velvet for the bucks to seemingly "disappear" for a while. New bucks start showing up on camera around October 15th to the 22nd usually for me....that's when they seem to really start marking their territory and spreading out their ranges around here.