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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Now that is an interesting thought I never gave ANY consideration to. Thanks Ric! I will be keeping my eyes on that from now on.

It's just an observation a few buddies and us have noticed over the years while trying to establish sets of sheds to other sets or solos from one year to the next. I must correct myself a bit Phil, always? Prolly not, but in most cases the shape and contour of the pedicle seem to be carried over from one year to the next. I'm sure there are instances out there where our theory will be tested. I'm sure the pedicle area during the crucial stage between shedding of the antler and the first stage of growth HAS to be unharmed or things can and will get messed up. You can also come across bucks that may have been twins or triplets that have very similar looking pedicles as well so its not ALWAYS an exact science. Sorry if I miss lead anyone.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Do you or JD have the scoop on the story of the hunt? I remember one big 10(white racked) taken but don't think it was this one.

JD is right though, typical points,drops,kickers and other antler characteristics can swap sides or become absent during any future year but Ron and I have noticed that one thing does seem to always be constant...the pedicle. The fingerprint of a deers antler. In our opinion.

Yep. JDs buddy drove by and the buck was out in a field with a doe. They came back later and they were gone. They went and checked a cam and walked back out of the woods. He was back in another part of the field with that doe. The doe led him across the field towards a far off block of woods. JD got a text that evening that he had been shot by a bowhunter in that block of woods.


*Supporting Member*
Yep. JDs buddy drove by and the buck was out in a field with a doe. They came back later and they were gone. They went and checked a cam and walked back out of the woods. He was back in another part of the field with that doe. The doe led him across the field towards a far off block of woods. JD got a text that evening that he had been shot by a bowhunter in that block of woods.

If sucks it wasnt one of you all, but good for that guy who killed it! Right place at right time!