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TripleA88's trail camera thread


*Supporting Member*
Ive been getting a spike of coyote pictures latey.

I climbed up in the stand about a week ago near my camera to check it out one last time and figured out why. The landowner totes his dead cows back into the brush. Its bones on top of bones down there. Should have a few shots on some of these bastards in the next few days.

Anyways, as for my target buck, Ive got cameras spread out with in a half a mile of each other. I dont really have any solid indication of how or where to hunt this deer. He's all over.

I pretty much plan on sitting tight in the grave yard stand hovering over the cows and shoot coyotes until something reasonable with head gear shows up. I get most my pictures of this deer and a few others there.



Staff member
There is a spot like that on the new farm I picked up this year and the amount of yote tracks near it is unreal. Good luck killing that buck Alex. He's a stud!!!