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Deer names


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Now I was never one to name deer but I fault no one for doing so. So don't get me wrong now on the following.
I raise my own organic cattle for the family with a Scotish Highland and Poled Hereford cross. And when city folks come over and think that is just neat. Then they ask what their names are.
When I come back with Dinner, Supper, Lunch I sure can turn them off. But what the hell they taste good. the cattle not the city folks.
Just thought I would let you know I name animals to.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
It's always easier to tell my buddies I seen Skyscraper, Lefty, Split Brow, etc... I always name stands or locations. My favorite stand is "The Rimjob" stand. You see, when me and a buddy put it up....ahh nevermind


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
But what the hell they taste good. the cattle not the city folks.

rotflmao My buddy has raised a few pigs for slaughter over the years & his daughters asked to name the last one. So they did... "Bacon" And eventually bacon was eaten.

I'm the same as the other guys. I name them for quick reference, and it's kinda fun to try and come up with unique names.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
It's always easier to tell my buddies I seen Skyscraper, Lefty, Split Brow, etc... I always name stands or locations. My favorite stand is "The Rimjob" stand. You see, when me and a buddy put it up....ahh nevermind



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I name deer as soon as I shoot 'em. I look at their face and the name just comes to me.
I think it's the deer's spirit speaking to me so that they'll be remembered properly.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Like Red said I think we as hunters name things to make it easier to talk about.. We do it with deer, but also stands, ridges, hollows, etc. It just makes it easier to talk about.. I don't have to say ""That 10 pt with the 15 inch G1 that's about 24 inches wide."" I can just say "Tank" With stands i don't have to say " the stand in the hickory out in the fence row over by the cut through" All I have to say is "The cut through stand".. Probably like your Herefords have numbers. It's just a reference.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
No Beener, I was NOT there!

:smiley_clap: Beat him too the punch..... rotflmao You knew it was a comin......

I don't name them for the pure fact there aren't enough around too confuse them for us rotflmao Just a bunch of yearling scrub bucks with the occasional boarderline shooter...... And then the neighbors get those :smiley_blackeye:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
More of the same. Name deer and stands simply so we know which deer we saw or so we can tell a buddy which stand we are hunting. I might have to come up with some shorter names though. "Double split brow buck" is a little long, plus what if I find another one with double split brows? lol