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Athens Co kill(s)


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Heck ya! Congrats on a great birthday morning for you! Great pic, great birds and great memory made today. Thanks for sharing.


*Supporting member*
Due to a shortage of tags and work commitments, had to give them a couple days off.

This hunt will be shown on Eddie Salter's Tv Show "Turkey Man," that begins this January on the Pursuit Channel. I don't know how to describe turkey hunting with Eddie other than to say it is humbling. He truly makes it look easy.

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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Whoo Whoo Whoo...ah! Love to him hear him barred owl call after his kill. Sort of his celebratory victory shout! Lol

Nice pic and thanks for sharing.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Did Edie nail soft leather to the bottom of his boots? That's an old trick right out of Fred bears book.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Did Edie nail soft leather to the bottom of his boots? That's an old trick right out of Fred bears book.

Lol... I just saw that too and started scratching my head. I can't see it on the other boot, though... maybe he's got a shorter leg.


*Supporting member*
Lol... I just saw that too and started scratching my head. I can't see it on the other boot, though... maybe he's got a shorter leg.

A broken leg from a tree stand fall a few years ago required surgery and a portable lift kit.


*Supporting member*
Just finished up another enjoyable spring turkey season here in Athens Co. Not a record harvest but had our shooting percentage been a little better it would have been close. We did manage to fill an ultra flex 39 gallon trash bag full of gobbler wings for my bowyer buddies.

I went out this evening to a place where 4 gobblers had been roosting all spring...we killed 2 of the 4 earlier in the season so we decided to leave the survivors for seed unless reinforcements were sent in and they were not. I've never been a fan of roost hunting but I was curious to see how hard, or easy it might be to pull off with predictable birds like these. At about 8:00 pm I heard foot steps in the valley below me so I let out a few soft clucks and both gobblers answered just over the bank...I followed with a "fly up" cackle while beating my hat on my leg...and the foot race was on. When the first bird crested the ridge, he immediately picked me off and both birds flushed and flew off over the horizon...I thought a fitting end the season.

I've never been a big proponent of afternoon hunting either but I must admit that thanks to a challenging work schedule this spring, I took full advantage of the extra hours this season.

The only negative from this part of the state would be a very low number of jakes that were seen or heard this spring. We did see a fair number of hens with poults this past week and the weather for the next 10 days looks decent which may help some next year.