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So what is legal?


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Here is the background. A friend was muzzleloader hunting on Monday of ML season on a farm he rents. Shot at and wounded a nice buck. Followed the blood trail till it ended at a state road. Took a while to get there because it crossed several properties and he had to keeping getting permission. Once it crossed to the south side of the road he couldn't find any trace of it.

Thursday of that week another guy was coyote hunting in the woods a few hundred yards south of where the trail ended. He finds the dead buck and cuts the head off and takes it, on the way out the landowner sees it. This landowner later heard about my friend wounding buck and told him about it.

My friend is hoping the guy is willing to part with it(probably will for a price). As far as we know the guy that found it never contacted the game warden or had it tagged. If the guy gives it up is there a way that my friend can legally possess it?

It's a 10 point, 22" wide 7-8" G2s relatively even. No record book but it would be my friend's best buck. We was sick about it right after it happened. He's accepted how it turned out and if he can't get the rack he'll be content with a pixs.


Senior Member
Medina County
I believe this would be similar to finding a dead buck and it is illegal to cut the head off... If he has his tag still, he should just tag it and/or call ODNR to see what the right thing to do is

Mike R

*Supporting Member*
No matter how you look at it you will have to go through the GW to get a tag. They will give you a tag for found/dead deer. Most of the time they want to see the whole deer or whats left of it to rule out poaching. If the guy that has it in his possesion right now has it un tagged he could be in trouble depending on the GW.If you buy it from the guy untagged your ass could be in trouble for having untagged deer parts. How well do you know the guy that found it? If he is willing to let yo have it (notice I didnt say sell it to you cause you can only sell legally obtained deer parts in the state of Ohio if its untagged its not legal) put it back with the rest of the deer. Get the GW to give you a tag. If he bucks it in anyway snap a few pics and leave it alone. This is just my opinion now with the new rules they have you can get yourself in trouble real quick.


Tatonka guide.
its just a deer is what i would tell him. there will be others ...maybe ....


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Here's what I would do.

First try to get the rack back whether it be given back or bought back. Contact the GW tell him what happened and that you would meet him at the site of where it was found and let him inspect it providing you have permission to enter the property is was on. Either way you'll have to use your tag and have the GW give you a permit.

Problem is a law was broke by the other hunter already by removing the antlers in the first place. I suggested my above idea so's not to get him in trouble. You might have him contact the GW first and get the permit then try to get the rack back. Depends on the GW on if you have any problems.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
The guy who found it is pretty shady. My friend tries to play by the rules. I'd hate for him to get in trouble or lose his buck because of this.

One thing in his favor. He had called the GW the day after he shot the buck. Kind of a long story but the GW was in the area and he heard a rumor that the GW might have found it. So the GW knows he was looking for this buck.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Sam just sick Dave brown on him.... he'll take care of the situation.... your buddy hasn't done anything wrong the other Guy screwed himself as soon as he cut the head off of that buck without a tag on it..... Dave needs to get out from behind the desk anyways hahaha.....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
i know with our WO, communication goes a long way. You contact him and let him know what is up and you get a lot farther than trying to get him to believe you later. Doesn't matter if you did nothing wrong or not. Info on a voicemail or a phone call at least gives him notice of what is going on. Sounds like your friend might get his deer head back if your WO is anything like ours. He will have to put his tag on it, but I am sure he would be fine with that. That was his original intention anyway.