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Ground blinds...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I need a new ground blind and I am looking for recommendations. I would like to keep it under $150. I need it to be good for bowhunting for me and another adult or two kiddos with seats. Easy up and down. I really don't care about the camo pattern.

The main reason is to get the kids out to at least observe while hunting over a bait station. They have been riding my ass to get out.


*Supporting Member*
The Fin had a lot of them on sale yesterday when I was there. They have a new one now that has 6ft6in head room in it and is made for all hunting. You can open the corners for bow hunting ,open smaller windows for gun hunting and even open the top for waterfowl hunting. I am thinking it was $179 but you can look online at there add to make sure. I have a couple double bulls and love them, but there always coming out with better.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I get it but my old double bull was all most worse than carrying a climber. lol I am sure the newer ones are MUCH improved. I can say one thing...it was quite durable. The material was REALLY heavy not like todays thin as silk coverings.


*Supporting Member*
lol. Your bustin balls here Chuck. You want one light,big,sets its self up for under $150. lol I dont think that going to happen.lol


*Supporting Member*
I have the one you posted the link to. Its not bad for the money. The only down fall I have with that one is getting my fat butt in and out of the small door on it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
The Fin has the Bone Collector blind for under 150 bucks right now... I think it's made by Ameristep? My neighbor buddy just picked one up a couple days ago and he likes it.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
The Ameristep penthouse is huge. I have two of them. May not be the most durable, but they are plenty large!

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
I don't know how guys your size (beener) or mine can bow hunt out of a blind or with two people. Hell its a tight squeeze to turkey hunt (gun) out of one


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina

Ameristep may not be the best quality but they do have outstanding customer service.....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member

Just saying. I had a Timberstrike blind out last year. Pretty good with myself and one kid. Never tried both kids at the same time. Never got it pulled in last winter due to residing in a plow truck too much. It was caved in with ice/snow buildup to the point I was embarrassed. Once melted, I pulled it out of the woods and set it up. Ready to use whenever needed. Pretty dang durable. Material is respectably thick, yet still thin. Doesn't seem to fade as bad as the Ameristep blinds and the hub system is sturdier.

Option B: We still have one of the Grounder350 models available. Sold out of everything else. I cannot give a firsthand testimonial on this one. However, you will be able to stand up to shoot out of it. Should have a bit more room as well. I am thinking either one would fit your budget as long as we can get the Redneck Express fired up to assist in delivery.

No pressure. Buy whatever works best for you. Just saying, you have my number if you have any questions Charles.