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Welcome Mike!!


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
Tons of familar faces here!! Welcome aboard!!!!!:smiley_adfundum::smiley_adfundum::smiley_adfundum::smiley_adfundum::smiley_adfundum::smiley_adfundum::smiley_adfundum:


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
November 3rd. Which works out good because the rut starts on Oct. 31. The buck deers will be worn out from chasing by the 3rd and you can just walk around to where they nest and pick out which sleeping buck you want to kill. I always carry some small rocks to throw at them to gently wake them up for a standing broadside shot.
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Junior Member
This is the best information I have ever taken from a post on any forum. Thanks so much for your wealth of knowledge!!! I am going to put it to work this season.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Ray i am a flatlander and fish for warreyes on occasion:cool:.... i usually just wait for a vehicle to pull up blaring eminem to hold my hand while crossing the island


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
me and HB were like, who the fugg is that.....then we saw the dope T top trans am

Its just how I roll.

If any of these guys have every thought about fishing the river they need to join us. We have some great times. I seriously have as good of memories from fishing the river as I do from deer camps and hunting!!
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Sorry Ray thought you were waiting for mike to introduce himself. I hunt public mostly, this year i have been given the oppertunity to hunt some private grounds.

I would recommend anybody who has a chance, to come up and fish the warreye run with us. NEVER a dull moment


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
Thanks guys. I've got three private spots to hunt. The spot in BG is small and pressured. I also have permission to hunt land next to Nasa, but it's not worth it because I have to go with the person who hands out the slips and he doesn't scout much, plus it's far. The third spot is in West Unity and I have to hunt it very discreetly because the wife of the owner doesn't like hunters, but he doesn't like deer eating up everything in the yard. I have a bunch of public spots too. I've learned a ton in the last two seasons and I know that it's only a matter of time. I've had many close encounters, but the shots weren't there and there is no way I'm taking a poor shot. Hunting is a whole new world for me. I've fished my entire life and now hunting gives me the pleasure and excitment I once had as a boy. I love the forum and plan on learning from it. Thanks!