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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Im right with ya.


Thats awesome..Let me know when your gonna hit the woods. Im intrested in what ya see.

Probably won't happen at least until the first part of November, when the bucks are cruising....I figure that's the best chance for a flatlander to kill a hill country deer.

I picked up 200 acres of woods in North central Ohio that is in PRIME deer country....and there will be nobody else hunting it until gun season. I can hardly pass up this opportunity. I have no trail cameras there or no clue about the resident buck population, but feel that there should be a few good ones around there according to what the owners have told me. Either way the experience of hunting hill country is something I have been wanting to do for a long time.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Probably won't happen at least until the first part of November, when the bucks are cruising....I figure that's the best chance for a flatlander to kill a hill country deer.

I picked up 200 acres of woods in North central Ohio that is in PRIME deer country....and there will be nobody else hunting it until gun season. I can hardly pass up this opportunity. I have no trail cameras there or no clue about the resident buck population, but feel that there should be a few good ones around there according to what the owners have told me. Either way the experience of hunting hill country is something I have been wanting to do for a long time.

I have no doubt that you will be hooked. Be prepared to become bored with flat-land hunting in a hurry.