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Scent lok, scent blocker..worth it?


Senior Member
Ina Duck Blind
Honestly I wear nothing but predator camo, I have sprayed and smoked with different scent killers and notcied sometimes deer will still pick me off. I just read an article in Field & Stream today at work where they took a police canine and took a guy off the street and hide him in a box and the dog busted him in 23 seconds, next that guy showered with scent killers and sprayed down.... Hide in a different box, the dog bust him in 20 secs, then he showers, sprays, uses scent free clothes, rubber boots, balls to the wall scent free and the dog bust him in 18 secs. What im trying to say is that if a dog can bust you in that short of time, then more than likely a deer smells you.... its just a matter of how sketchy that deer is and if he encounters human pressure. I belive each deer has different heightened scences and some bucks will walk in curious and unalarmed and others blow that whole county out! Only true safe measure is play the wind right!


Staff member
I belive each deer has different heightened scences and some bucks will walk in curious and unalarmed and others blow that whole county out! Only true safe measure is play the wind right!

I'll echo the above statement. I do everything in my power to eliminate human/foreign odors and then I make sure to blast what might be leftover with a natural smell to the deer in my area. Regardless of attention to detail, clothing, sprays, soaps, etc., deer can and will bust you. In the four full seasons I have been using the smoker, I have not had a deer blow at me yet. I'm not ignorant enough to think that I've not been busted, but I've not had to deal with the bullshit that comes with being blatantly busted in that time. I've seen several deer catch a nose full of me, even the 6.5 year old buck I killed in 2008, but they don't really know what to make of it. What I like about my system is knowing deer can smell me and then have trouble making heads or tails of it. It can and has given me the extra time I needed to send an arrow through their boiler room. All we can really do is make every effort to eliminate our scent, hunt the wind, and let the pieces fall where they may...


Senior Member
I tried the eye closing idea once. It didn't work because I lost my sense of balance and about fell down. That deer was gone! haha. for some reason I can't keep my balance in the treestand with my eyes closed.:smiley_chinrub:


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Honestly I wear nothing but predator camo, I have sprayed and smoked with different scent killers and notcied sometimes deer will still pick me off. I just read an article in Field & Stream today at work where they took a police canine and took a guy off the street and hide him in a box and the dog busted him in 23 seconds, next that guy showered with scent killers and sprayed down.... Hide in a different box, the dog bust him in 20 secs, then he showers, sprays, uses scent free clothes, rubber boots, balls to the wall scent free and the dog bust him in 18 secs. What im trying to say is that if a dog can bust you in that short of time, then more than likely a deer smells you.... its just a matter of how sketchy that deer is and if he encounters human pressure. I belive each deer has different heightened scences and some bucks will walk in curious and unalarmed and others blow that whole county out! Only true safe measure is play the wind right!

Ill remember that the next time I let a deer stick its nose directly against my blind for 20 seconds and sniff like a Dog. . While I see their point, their method is flawed. Now if they would have elevated 10 boxes to a height of 25 feet spacing them about 10 yards apart. And kept said dog at a distance of 30+ yards. If he could then pick out the correct box I would give some merit to their study.

They simply proved that you are never 100% scent free. And by 100% I mean completely eliminating human scent on a parts per million scale because that's what dogs smell in. We already knew this. Move that object up 25 feet and keep the dog at 30+ yards like we hunt, and i bet he wouldn't know his ass from a hole in the ground whem it came to pointing out the correct box.

Add in a confusing scent like smoke and I bet its game over. Btw let's not forget that while he is 25 feet down and 30 yards away trying to make up his mind. He's in range. ;)

While he may still know somethings amiss, which goes back to your point of some deer care and others don't. I don;t believe he will be able to say "human! Right there! I smell him"
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I dont feel the scent blocker or lock works..I bought a pair of scent blocker Drury dream season pro boots..Simply because of there build an how awesome they are...But they didnt have my size(11)..So I got 10.5's instead they didnt feel tight etc at the time..Well once i got some hunting socks on it was over..I simply cant wear them as much as I would like...Now that I think about it maybe I should list them in the Want to sell section...Any takers??Used but not abused!!Say 35$ if i dont have to ship them...


Staff member
I dont feel the scent blocker or lock works..I bought a pair of scent blocker Drury dream season pro boots..Simply because of there build an how awesome they are...But they didnt have my size(11)..So I got 10.5's instead they didnt feel tight etc at the time..Well once i got some hunting socks on it was over..I simply cant wear them as much as I would like...Now that I think about it maybe I should list them in the Want to sell section...Any takers??Used but not abused!!Say 35$ if i dont have to ship them...

I got a buddy who might want them. I'll let you know. Can you send me a pic? (740) 541-5282. Thanks.


Junior Member
NE Ohio
Hey Jesse you kill me.... first you say, "All we can really do is make every effort to eliminate our scent, hunt the wind, and let the pieces fall where they may..." now your telling this guy you might buy the boots...lol... I want em..lol

Just do the basics wash clothes, spray down with a scent spray of some sort, hunt the wind and hope for the best.....

I think buying any of these clothing products is a big waste of time and yes alot of money too..... I just thought of something, next time you watch the Outdoor Channel or VS or any hunting show on TV, check out what they're all wearing.... The scent clothing sponsored team all wear the scent gear and swear by it and the rest all wear that over priced under Armor gear... check it out tonight on TV.... Then the only rifle they use is a TC and Nikon optics....gotta ask yourself, why is that???? they get it FREE or real cheap.. Its like that with all they're gear. I saw a guy and wife team with stacks of tree stands... No shit he must of had 200 stack up.. 4 rows stack up against his wall inhis barn with 15-20 for walls... iit was crazy...

Anyways, just my crazy opinion....


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Hey Jesse you kill me.... first you say, "All we can really do is make every effort to eliminate our scent, hunt the wind, and let the pieces fall where they may..." now your telling this guy you might buy the boots...lol... I want em..lol

Just do the basics wash clothes, spray down with a scent spray of some sort, hunt the wind and hope for the best.....

I think buying any of these clothing products is a big waste of time and yes alot of money too..... I just thought of something, next time you watch the Outdoor Channel or VS or any hunting show on TV, check out what they're all wearing.... The scent clothing sponsored team all wear the scent gear and swear by it and the rest all wear that over priced under Armor gear... check it out tonight on TV.... Then the only rifle they use is a TC and Nikon optics....gotta ask yourself, why is that???? they get it FREE or real cheap.. Its like that with all they're gear. I saw a guy and wife team with stacks of tree stands... No shit he must of had 200 stack up.. 4 rows stack up against his wall inhis barn with 15-20 for walls... iit was crazy...

Anyways, just my crazy opinion....

First off it's Anyway with no "s". Second, you are correct with your last statement.


Staff member
Hey Jesse you kill me.... first you say, "All we can really do is make every effort to eliminate our scent, hunt the wind, and let the pieces fall where they may..." now your telling this guy you might buy the boots...lol... I want em..lol

Try rereading everything I've posted and rethink the above. First off, I said they make good quality shit and I'd buy it for that reason. Second, I'm not interested in the boots, but I have a buddy who is new to hunting and $35 for a lightly used pair of quality made boots is a steal. I have another buddy who has a pair and he loves them from a comfort and quality standpoint.

So I don't see how I'm "killing" you from a contradictory stand point. Please educate me if I'm wrong...


Junior Member
NE Ohio
Im sitting watching TV browsing,sorry for the typo... I will try to reread my posts before i hit send for all the typo catchers...

Jesse i was just busting your chops... Anyways no biggie.. :(


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
I also wonder about direct eye contact. I try to avoid that TOO. I think the feeling you get sometimes; that someone is watching you is strong w/ deer. I have been absolutely frozen and had a old doe stop in her tracks and after a moment turn her dead almost 90 degrees and up to look at me. I believe its the predator/prey thing.
O well... just my 2 cents.

I have never used any scent lock clothing. Probably mostly for the same reason as Dante. $$$$. I just smoke up best I can and hunt.

As far as the eye contact thing goes. IMO this is a definite. I have personally tried this before. One hunt lock eyes with a doe and it wasn't long and she was stomping and blowing, and then getting the heck out of dodge. The next hunt get the deer at about 15 yds. She stops looks up and I look away moving just my eyes not my head. Stay that way for about 2 or 3 minutes. She finally gets comfortable and starts milling around as if nothing was bothering her at all.

Personally my belief is that we are all spiritual creatures. I have heard it said before that the eyes are the window to the soul. The deer and I have one major thing in common. We share the same creator. The energies shared I believe are strongest sensed through the eyes. There is more power than we can imagine with the eyes. Just my thoughts.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
A good story that incorporates a few of the topics that have been covered...

I was smoked up in Jesse's stand last year on my bowhunt down there. Up higher than I hang my stand, that's for sure. And, after watching 9 deer between 35 and 50 yards for over a hour, I got busted...by an old nanny doe! Course the doe was about level with me and looking directly at me across the ravine (fuggin mountains of Washington County)....and I'm sure that after standing for an hour in 30 degree weather I probably wasn't too steady...

But what do I know? ...nothin!


Junior Member
Hey guys not trying to spam here or anything, just wanted to take the opportunity to throw our two cents in. We love seeing these discussions with good hardcore hunters that bring different approaches and philosophies to the table. Good stuff!

We always say that nothing can make up for poor hunting habits. If you pump gas in your hunting clothes or wear your activated carbon in the house, you are only hurting yourself and not utilizing the ability of the activated carbon clothing. That being said if you use good woodsmanship and store your activated carbon clothing properly, it will definitely give you an edge. I like to explain it to people that it's a tool that will buy you time and provide opportunities.

To explain what I mean imagine this scenario. You are in your treestand 30 yards from a thick swamp. There is a slight swirling wind that you know will have the deer on edge. A nice buck steps out and you can tell that he senses something, but can't quite locate it or identify where it is. It might seem like he is catching a sense of danger from 60 or 100 yards off, but it's not enough to spook him. He takes a few more cautious steps providing you with a perfect broadside shot. Due to your good scent control practices and your activated carbon Scent-Lok clothing, you are at least half the distance to that deer than he thinks you are. So by using our products you will not only see more deer, but likely have more chances at deer within effective range. If you weren't wearing Scent-Lok that deer would have likely gotten a stronger whiff of you and would have never even stepped out from the thick cover.

As far as the cost is concerned, I guess that depends on what your description of "worth it" is. If you are already investing hundreds if not thousands of dollars in bow/gun equipment, trail cameras, leases, gas to and from your hunting spot, etc. wouldn't you want to pay just a few dollars more to gain an extra edge on the deer you spend so much time hunting? Our activated carbon technology clothing is only about $50-$75 more than what you would pay for quality NON activated carbon clothing. So for just $50 more you are getting scent control technology in a garment that is some of if not the most durable and high quality fabrics and feel that you will find anywhere. For as much time and money I invest in chasing whitetails, I want to make sure I can have every advantage and odd in my favor.

Is it the magic fairy dust that is going to solve every issue? Definitely not, but with good scent control practices, using your head and doing your homework Scent-Lok can do for you what it has done for thousands of others and that's allow you to see more deer and give you more opportunities than you have had before.

Again, not trying to spam here, just trying to provide some information. You guys are the first priority for manufacturers like us. We have always and will always continue to strive to bring you the best most effective products in hunting apparel. Stay safe and good hunting!

Scent-Lok Technologies

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Hey Alex thanks for the feedback! I have worn Scent-Lok for 2 years now, by far the most comfortable and durable clothing that I've ever owned. You ever try filling them up with hickory smoke?

While we have you on here, I've seen several debates and discussions on this topic and who better to ask.... if taken care of and stored properly... and reactivated as directed... how long does the "activated carbon" actually stay active and continue to work?


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Hey guys not trying to spam here or anything, just wanted to take the opportunity to throw our two cents in. We love seeing these discussions with good hardcore hunters that bring different approaches and philosophies to the table. Good stuff!

We always say that nothing can make up for poor hunting habits. If you pump gas in your hunting clothes or wear your activated carbon in the house, you are only hurting yourself and not utilizing the ability of the activated carbon clothing. That being said if you use good woodsmanship and store your activated carbon clothing properly, it will definitely give you an edge. I like to explain it to people that it's a tool that will buy you time and provide opportunities.

To explain what I mean imagine this scenario. You are in your treestand 30 yards from a thick swamp. There is a slight swirling wind that you know will have the deer on edge. A nice buck steps out and you can tell that he senses something, but can't quite locate it or identify where it is. It might seem like he is catching a sense of danger from 60 or 100 yards off, but it's not enough to spook him. He takes a few more cautious steps providing you with a perfect broadside shot. Due to your good scent control practices and your activated carbon Scent-Lok clothing, you are at least half the distance to that deer than he thinks you are. So by using our products you will not only see more deer, but likely have more chances at deer within effective range. If you weren't wearing Scent-Lok that deer would have likely gotten a stronger whiff of you and would have never even stepped out from the thick cover.

As far as the cost is concerned, I guess that depends on what your description of "worth it" is. If you are already investing hundreds if not thousands of dollars in bow/gun equipment, trail cameras, leases, gas to and from your hunting spot, etc. wouldn't you want to pay just a few dollars more to gain an extra edge on the deer you spend so much time hunting? Our activated carbon technology clothing is only about $50-$75 more than what you would pay for quality NON activated carbon clothing. So for just $50 more you are getting scent control technology in a garment that is some of if not the most durable and high quality fabrics and feel that you will find anywhere. For as much time and money I invest in chasing whitetails, I want to make sure I can have every advantage and odd in my favor.

Is it the magic fairy dust that is going to solve every issue? Definitely not, but with good scent control practices, using your head and doing your homework Scent-Lok can do for you what it has done for thousands of others and that's allow you to see more deer and give you more opportunities than you have had before.

Again, not trying to spam here, just trying to provide some information. You guys are the first priority for manufacturers like us. We have always and will always continue to strive to bring you the best most effective products in hunting apparel. Stay safe and good hunting!

Scent-Lok Technologies

Hello Alex.. Welcome to TOO... If i may change only a few words from the statement you made above, tell me what you think.

To explain what I mean imagine this scenario. You are in your treestand 30 yards from a thick swamp. There is a slight swirling wind that you know will have the deer on edge. A nice buck steps out and you can tell that he senses something, but can't quite locate it or identify where it is. It might seem like he is catching a sense of danger from 60 or 100 yards off, but it's not enough to spook him. He takes a few more cautious steps providing you with a perfect broadside shot. Due to your good scent control practices and your smokey clothes, you are at least half the distance to that deer than he thinks you are. So by using a scent smoker you will not only see more deer, but likely have more chances at deer within effective range. If you weren't wearing smoke that deer would have likely gotten a stronger whiff of you and would have never even stepped out from the thick cover.


Well-Known Member
I guess I just want to throw out there that there doesn’t have to be just one right answer. To each there own. If you have had success with the technique you are using great, if not maybe this thread will give you some options. Personally, I’d rather try and practice good scent control by showering before I hunt (when possible) using scent free soaps and detergents and using carbon suits. The smoking up thing just isn’t for me and I don’t think my wife would tolerate it at all! I’m not saying it isn’t effective, it just doesn’t fit my program. I’m sure we could all give testimonials as to how we’ve been undetectable to deer with our scent reducing techniques and how the stinking Amish still manage to slaughter deer. So who knows? Use what you’re comfortable with and have fun.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I guess I just want to throw out there that there doesn’t have to be just one right answer. To each there own. If you have had success with the technique you are using great, if not maybe this thread will give you some options. Personally, I’d rather try and practice good scent control by showering before I hunt (when possible) using scent free soaps and detergents and using carbon suits. The smoking up thing just isn’t for me and I don’t think my wife would tolerate it at all! I’m not saying it isn’t effective, it just doesn’t fit my program. I’m sure we could all give testimonials as to how we’ve been undetectable to deer with our scent reducing techniques and how the stinking Amish still manage to slaughter deer. So who knows? Use what you’re comfortable with and have fun.

It's called strength in numbers, and boxes upon boxes upon boxes of shells... lmao