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Scent lok, scent blocker..worth it?


Junior Member
Dayton, Ohio
Curious of how many of you feel the scent lok/blocker clothing is worth the money.....

I personally only buy it when it is on sale. When I mean on sale, I am talking about getting it for 30-40% off of more. There is no way I would buy that stuff for retail.

Having said that, it does give me more confidence in my clothing and I have had plenty of deer come down wind of me many times without blowing. I feel if it gives me an extra 20-30 seconds to make a shot, it is worth it up to a point. Plus, it seems like the clothing in general is better made than some of the cheaper clothing.

Over the past couple years I have built up an inventory of scent blocker clothing for early, mid and late season hunts. In addition I have several layering garments as well.

Your thoughts?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
The only scent-lok clothing I own is a winter hat... simply because it matched the rest of my Mossy Oak Treestand clothes. I have a solid scent control regimen that makes all the difference, IMO... not the clothing itself. Scent free laundry, scent free shower, then smoke everything up... Haven't had a deer wind me in a looooooonnnnngggggg time. That being said, I've been drooling over the Scent Blocker Dream Season coat and pants for quite a while now. Not because I want the scent controlling capabilities... Because I've tried them on and the overall quality of the clothing seems to be top notch. I've been looking for good quality cold weather gear for a while now, and this stuff might be the ticket.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Most guys that had scentlok and then got a smoker say all their clothes smell like smoke. They still buy scent lok clothes, some due to quality, but mostly because they say it holds smoke better.. lol... Mike Rex has thousands of dollars in scentlok that smells like smoke. Jesse does too. That should count for something. :)


Well-Known Member
I use it and can count on one hand the number of times I've been busted in over 10 years of using it. I have one set of scent lok baselayers and a set of scent blocker fleece. I'll continue to use what I have until it falls apart or I start getting busted. BTW the buck I killed last year came in down wind of my location.:smiley_coolpeace:


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
I have some Scent Lok and have no complaints.

If nothing else, your statement of "...it does give me more confidence..." is reason enough to buy it when you find the sales. If it makes you feel more confident, buy it.


Staff member
Most guys that had scentlok and then got a smoker say all their clothes smell like smoke. They still buy scent lok clothes, some due to quality, but mostly because they say it holds smoke better.. lol... Mike Rex has thousands of dollars in scentlok that smells like smoke. Jesse does too. That should count for something. :)


I like it from a quality stand point and because it holds smoke lie crazy! LOL! I probably won't buy any more simply because I'm pretty well set with my clothing, but I wouldn't hesitate to pick some up if it was a good deal...


Junior Member
NE Ohio
I think the scent lok thing is all crap... The ammount of Carbon that suppose to be in that suit is so small i think as in a guy above stated just use all other options availible to you to limit yoru scent...

Wash your clothes in scent free soap, shower with the right products and wipe down with scent free towel, the get dressed.. If you get sweaty walking to your stand, Dead down Wind has a body foam that works great for desolving the sweat and bacteria. then just play the wind and you should be good to go without having to spend 100$ on their clothing line... The body form smells like Hydrogen Peroxide in it so you know it can distroy bacteria.... if you really want to know whts in it, ppull up the MSDS spec sheet fromt he government... EVery company has to list their products with them..

Listening the TV will get ya in trouble, remember these TVhost are gettign most of their crap for free thats why they say its so great.... also you never see an episode where they get busted do ya... only shooting 160" deer and it was because of the Nikon optics and scent lok.... lol... Oh lets not forget if it weren't for the Mathews bow, i might of missed that deer at 20yds...lol... JMO Good luck on yrou upcoming season...

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
I have a Scent Lok full season suite that is the most comfortable suit I've ever had on, and I feel it so full of hickory smoke that you can hardly stand to wear it!!! I probably won't buy another one, just due to the fact that there as probably a lot cheaper suits out there that are comfortable that I could smoke up with.

But before I smoked up, I had pretty good luck with the Scent Lok and as I said before, very comfortable!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
I use it and also rely heavily on scent free showers, spray, and keeping the clothes themselves aired out and natural smelling. I have still gotten busted by deer....for those of you that say you haven't gotten busted by a deer, you have somewhere along the way and just didn't know it.....to tell yourself a deer hasn't detected you and diverted its course out of your sight line is just being naive, IMO.

Do I believe it works 100%, nope....but it helps some and that's better than nothing at all.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
I use it and also rely heavily on scent free showers, spray, and keeping the clothes themselves aired out and natural smelling. I have still gotten busted by deer....for those of you that say you haven't gotten busted by a deer, you have somewhere along the way and just didn't know it.....to tell yourself a deer hasn't detected you and diverted its course out of your sight line is just being naive, IMO.

Do I believe it works 100%, nope....but it helps some and that's better than nothing at all.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
surprising results here. I figured everyone would be on the kick of screw that high priced overcommercialized crap. use the scent control products and smoker, play the wind and its all good.... dont care what you spend there is noway to be 100% scent free... the native americans killed deer without the benefit of even a shower much less a dream season suit...

As for me... I dont have a clue. I dont own any scent blocking clothes because as of yet I havent been able to afford any. I use the scent free soap, detergent, deodarant products. keep my hunting clothes in a plastic bin with a sock full of arm and hammer. and try to play the wind. when redcloud got a smoker last year I would smoke up when we were hunting together.
Would I buy some of the clothing if I had the money? probably. But then again, there are a lot of things I would buy if I had the money.


Junior Member
NE Ohio
I use it and also rely heavily on scent free showers, spray, and keeping the clothes themselves aired out and natural smelling. I have still gotten busted by deer....for those of you that say you haven't gotten busted by a deer, you have somewhere along the way and just didn't know it.....to tell yourself a deer hasn't detected you and diverted its course out of your sight line is just being naive, IMO.

Do I believe it works 100%, nope....but it helps some and that's better than nothing at all.

So very true


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
I have still gotten busted by deer....for those of you that say you haven't gotten busted by a deer, you have somewhere along the way and just didn't know it.....to tell yourself a deer hasn't detected you and diverted its course out of your sight line is just being naive, IMO.

That statement right there is so true Gern. I get so sick of hearing guys say they have never been busted. Maybe you've never been blown at, but you have been busted. The smart ones just don't announce their presence. I've seen many deer skirt me that didn't get all worked up but knew something wasn't right and steered clear of me.


Well-Known Member
That statement right there is so true Gern. I get so sick of hearing guys say they have never been busted. Maybe you've never been blown at, but you have been busted. The smart ones just don't announce their presence. I've seen many deer skirt me that didn't get all worked up but knew something wasn't right and steered clear of me.

That's true of many issues, not just scent. It could be movement the deer picked up or a squeak in your stand. Many things have kept many of us from seeing deer that we never knew were there.


Senior Member
I killed a doe at 10 yards last year with a flannel and regular camo pants. But i couldnt of done it without SMOKE. Imo its all that matters


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I use it and also rely heavily on scent free showers, spray, and keeping the clothes themselves aired out and natural smelling. I have still gotten busted by deer....for those of you that say you haven't gotten busted by a deer, you have somewhere along the way and just didn't know it.....to tell yourself a deer hasn't detected you and diverted its course out of your sight line is just being naive, IMO.

Do I believe it works 100%, nope....but it helps some and that's better than nothing at all.

only doing Scentlok, spray and wash routines, i would agree. But they also get busted by deer they can see...

I find it hard to believe i haven't been busted by a single deer around my stand in 4 years. But am getting busted by deer so far away from my stand i can't see them.

There are two reactions I've seen by deer that smelled smoke. 1. they throw their nose in the air, look around, then go on about what they were doing. 2. they throw their nose in the air, look around, then start walking my direction to check it out.

What i have never seen is one throw their nose in the air, look around, then do a 180 and go back the direction they came, or go another direction other than the one they were already going, Never seen them stomp, blow, snort, turn inside out, sneak away. none of that..


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
only doing Scentlok, spray and wash routines, i would agree. But they also get busted by deer they can see...

I find it hard to believe i haven't been busted by a single deer around my stand in 4 years. But am getting busted by deer so far away from my stand i can't see them.

There are two reactions I've seen by deer that smelled smoke. 1. they throw their nose in the air, look around, then go on about what they were doing. 2. they throw their nose in the air, look around, then start walking my direction to check it out.

What i have never seen is one throw their nose in the air, look around, then do a 180 and go back the direction they came, or go another direction other than the one they were already going, Never seen them stomp, blow, snort, turn inside out, sneak away. none of that..

See Joe, I've had that happen several times with the smoke, and I am very cautious about my scent. I am still on the fence about it.