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What's good TOO?


Staff member
As mentioned earlier, the idea with this thread is get myself and others to recognize and acknowledge the moments that make you take a step back, but for a positive reason. There is good all around us and I’d like to see us share that more often. With that being said, here’s what’s good for me these days…

About a month ago, Tracie and I embarked on a journey to find her a very specific shoe for work. We’ve been to a dozen stores in person, and three times that online. The first order was shipped from Japan, which cost more in time and money to ship than should be allowed by law! Once the shoes finally arrived, they were TOO small. Go figure right?!? So I put the shoes on eBay, sold them, and then bought another pair on eBay. When those shoes arrived from Oklahoma, they were the wrong shoes in the right box. At this point, we’re two weeks in to the search and my wife is starting to get a little cranky to say the least! And I’m damn sure tired of dealing with her and the shoes!!! LOL!

I emailed the seller informing her of the mistake and she immediately filled a dispute and sale cancellation through eBay. I shipped the shoes back to Oklahoma, and went back on the search. (I was refunded the shipping cost back to Oklahoma, which was expected at the very least.) About 10 days later, I come across another pair on eBay and quickly order them. A few days later, I see a shoe box sticking out of the mail box when I pulled into the driveway. I grab the box and see it’s the wrong shoe, size, and color. On top of that, they are in the same box I sent back to Oklamhoma! “Son of a bitch! That’s dipshit sent the same fuggin’ shoes right back to me!!!” I could not believe I ordered from the same lady (didn’t realize it until then) and that she dicked it up again! I was furious walking up the driveway, planning my attack the whole way.

I tossed the shows on the table, grabbed a knife, and cut them open only to be shocked at what I saw! The note under the $20 bill laying on top of the correct shoes read:

Mr. Roush:

I sincerely apologize for the mistake made in our previous transaction. My husband and I are new to the eBay business and we obviously have some kinks to workout! Here is $20 for your troubles. Take the wife out to dinner tonight!

Holy shit. There are good people out there…
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Senior Member
What's positive in my world this week.....I sold $ 114,079.41 in construction fasteners this week. Hard work equals reward.

I think I'll treat the wife and kids this weekend.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Some things were moved to a more private discussion that can't be finished there.

Carry on. :)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Here's a "good" moment that I know Jesse will appreciate...
Weather permitting, the first pitch of the Ohio High School Baseball season is on Monday. My Indian Creek Redskins open up at home against the Harrison Central Huskies. Hopefully it is above 40 degrees so it is tolerable to play a game.

Uglykat, you better not be rooting for them Huskies. I know they're in your backyard and all.


*Supporting Member*
I don't want to bore ya'll with the details, but the company I work for hired a new guy that will be a direct boss of mine. For quite a few years he has been management for a competitor that my buddy works for. He has done a great job for that outfit and is well respected in the trade. He decided he wanted to move on and see what else is out there for him. I had a good talk with him today and I'm looking forward to working with him. He will be bringing a few new accounts with him that will benefit the company as well as us workers.

I would also like to report that my bride is pretty much recovered from her recent surgery. I thank all you for your thoughts when we needed them.

Besides a nasty cold I gotta say things are good right now.

Jeff I will give you a call tomorrow regarding the steelhead next week. I'm stoked to get on the water with you and feel some fish burn up my drag!


Senior Member
Athens County
A little while back my dumbass ran out of gas on a cold dark night on a highway around athens. I had my girl with me and obviously she was pissed. Well I started walking to the nearest gas station, when all of the sudden a car pulled up and picked me up to take me to the nearest gas station. The lady who stopped was probably mid 40's and for her to pick my shady lookin ass up was one of the greatest displays of kindness.

It made me realize there still are great people in the world.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Tonight was the second night of a Mens Conference at my church. It is great to get refreshed in the walk. Great group of guys at my church and it is comforting to know others struggle with similar issues.



The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
What's positive in my world this week.....I sold $ 114,079.41 in construction fasteners this week. Hard work equals reward.

I think I'll treat the wife and kids this weekend.

What kind of fasteners do you sell?? Send me a pm of you want.

I been killing myself the last two weeks at work. I told the boss today "I have one policy to revise and some stuff to straighten out on the audit site and then I am going fishing". He said "have fun". Already had a green light from home, I only ended up leaving work an hour or so early but damn it was nice to get out there and have some laughs.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Glad to hear the Mrs Badger is healing up alright. I think little things in life (like our health being alright) can often be overlooked.


Dignitary Member
Shermans Dale, PA
Here's a good thing. I took my van into a local mechanic to get my brakes replaced. I probably could have done it myself, but with school, work and family my time is precious and I don't want to waste a Saturday working on my van or running around Iwakuni trying to get brake pads and other parts when I don't speak Japanese (been through that one in Italy).

We have a tech rep in my department who is Japanese/American. Joe introduced me to the guy and translated for me. I had some questions about wether my van had a timing belt or chain and while looking at my engine the 70 year old mechanic told my friend that I needed a new radiator hose because mine was leaking. OK, no problem I'll get that fixed too (mean while all I'm seeing is Yen signs in my head).

So I drop the van off and pick it up later that day. My rear calipers had some major corrosion issues and he tried to fix them as best he could. Also the radiator hose wouldn't be in for a few more days so I'd need to bring the van back. When I asked about how much I owed him he told my friend to just pay him when everything was finished. Dang I thought that was kind of trusting because I could have just never come back. Anyway, now the rear brakes are squeaking all the time and it's 10 times worse than before. The next day the hose is in and my friend lets the mechanic know about the rear breaks. He explains that because they back brakes were worn down so bad that the seals for the plunger hooyaa thingy had wore out and had been the severely corroded items he cleaned up. He said he could replace the seals and that it would take about an hour or two more of labor to fix it. I about crapped because labor there is about 8000 Yen an hour which is just about $100. Then with out missing a beat he said that he'd wave the labor cost. Dang talk about a nice guy... That would never have happened in Naples or back in the states. So that afternoon the van was fixed and when I asked about paying him he told my friend to just pay him when ever I felt like it (What? How can this be happening from a culture who just 60 years ago were savages!?) I paid him there anyway and said arigato gozimas (sp?) and left.

I was shocked at how nice a guy this old timer was. I swear the Japanese here are much more friendly than they were back in 1989 (the last time I was here), but then again I was a 21 year old smart ass and was probably to arrogant to notice.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Glad it worked out for you TF! Sounds like maybe their local economy is hurting too or he is just trying to earn more of your business.

Good- Went shed hunting today. Bad- Kids whined and complained the whole time and Hank's shock collar was dead so he didn't mind me as well as he does with a short reminder here and there. Also didn't find any sheds and it was a bit cold. Still a good day whenever you can enjoy the outdoors!

Good- Took dinner over to my 80yr old Grandmother's tonight. Kids were okay there. Son was typical hyper acting self but not at his worst. Still a good thing though. Grandma has been saying since I was a kid "this could be my last Christmas so let's enjoy it." At 80, I start to think more about it. She looked good though and seemed to feel better than she tells you she does. Hard to get the family together to see her for any amount of time, so anytime you can eat a meal with her and enjoy her company and old stories it is a good thing!

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
This week both of my best friends from home got engaged. I'll speak for the first one (and closer friend) that got engaged. In high school I was always the one in a stable relationship and he was hopping from girl to girl and getting played by girl after girl. We got to college and I've been single for 3 years. Well, two years ago he started dating this great girl and I can say that the last two he has been happier than any other time during the 10 years that I have known him. He found himself an awesome, down to earth girl that is a beautiful woman. It has been pretty awesome to watch them together and I am happy as hell for my buddy. And from a best friend's standpoint its ideal - she appreciates our friendship and even encourages us to get out and still be boys, shooting the breeze and anything that moves. I'm proud of you brother!

(This post can also be summed as "Sometimes the directions in life are abundantly clear - this week my two best friends got fiances. I got a job.")


Staff member
Yesterday was a good day. I got to see a beautiful sunrise over a country church while driving down a back country road. I spent the day in the company of family while butchering cattle, then spent the afternoon at the farm laying out stands and food plots. Dinner with the family made a great night cap. Yesterday was just a great day to be a country boy. Made me realize how much I love living in the sticks!

Here's a "good" moment that I know Jesse will appreciate...
Weather permitting, the first pitch of the Ohio High School Baseball season is on Monday. My Indian Creek Redskins open up at home against the Harrison Central Huskies. Hopefully it is above 40 degrees so it is tolerable to play a game.

Uglykat, you better not be rooting for them Huskies. I know they're in your backyard and all.

me never...............lol