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What's good TOO?


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Good too hear Phil, everyone focuses on the patient not so much the spouse of the patient who's going thru some tough times as well....


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Been gone a week or so and trying to catch up on all the good stuff.

Congrats to Kevin and his bride on making it to a milestone of 25 years...:smiley_clap:

Another huge kudos to Phils parents as well! That's very impressive and inspiring. Glad to see her enjoying herself around that far with family surrounding her....:smiley_clap:

Great video of Sean's sons reaction after that shot! We've all done it countless of times! rotflmao. Tell him there's no shame in letting down and starting over, can't imagine how many arrows I'd have saved in doing so...:smiley_bril:

Nice seeing TOO brethren hanging out and helping each other TOO!

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Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
Good stuff Phil. Great to see her relax with family. Looks like a great time was had.

For the last three years I have been carrying Connor's pocket knife with me daily. I have always carried a knife and thought it was only suiting for me to carry his now. After probably half a dozen scares that I had lost it I decided it was time for me to put it up and get me a daily carry knife that I wouldn't be so worried about.

Went to Cabela's yesterday with a buddy. I just went for the ride but found something I liked. Spyderco clip. I have been a fan of Spyderco knives for a little while now but this is the first I have owned. Look forward to putting it through its paces and putting Connor's away for me to keep safe.

A little late in posting this but my daughter Jenna graduated from high school a couple weeks ago. I hate to admit it but man this hit me hard as it still seems like it shouldn't have happened already. To say I have been having flash backs of her being my little baby girl is an understatement. Her plans are to study Nursing through our county community college while she plays softball for them for two years. After that she can finish her degree there or transfer to a different university.



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Nice acquisition Jon, I don't blame you one bit for putting Connors knife in a safe place... You'd be heartbroken if'n you'd of lost it....

Chuck congrats too Jena on her graduation and pending college career.... If you think this is bad wait till marriage and kids lol.... We all go thru it buddy, I'd be worried if you didn't....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That is a good looking knife Jon.

Congrats on the accomplishment of Jenna. You'll be alright Chuck. I'm sure you've raised her well.