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S.EOhio bag limit


Junior Member
N.E. Ohio
Simple philosophy guys.

1. Reduce the population by increasing opportunity through adding tags / seasons / weapons

Once the population reaches your lower goal.

2. Reduce opportunity to stop the decline and hold the population at the now low levels

If it increases - Repeat step 1
If it holds steady - Repeat step 2.

Evaluate yearly

Your idea of a new group/voice is needed now more than ever!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I haven't seen much rutting activity the last 3-4 years but that could be that I'm just not near primary doe bedding areas. I read of a lot of hunters seeing great rutting activity but they might be in areas with better deer numbers and in better spots.

My honeyhole spot is just a travel corridor between two areas that hold deer and their both 1/2 to 3/4 mikes away on each side of me. Just got to be sitting there when a shooter comes thru. I imagine the rutting activity is going on in those areas just fine but I just don't have the access to hunt those spots.

Going to be looking to add a few other places to hunt if I can.

Dave, you lost me on that one buddy. You read that somewhere?

Ric... I'm with you about not seeing rutting activity.. Just haven't seen much chasing if any the last several years.. I have really lost my faith in the rut.. I really like hunting pre-rut even more.. Around that last week of Oct. the bucks are starting to get horny and many does are just not ready yet.. So males being males start expanding their range and are out cruising more looking for that receptive doe.. So you might get a buck come cruising by that has a normal range miles away.. Kinda like the young bucks on here... They go to one local watering hole and find no women so they move on to the next joint down the road and so on...


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
it isn't coming out right. I think Jesse is understanding what I'm trying to say. Basically we are all the problem. Even the guy that isn't harvesting anything. It's still pressure on the deer. The huge influx of bow hunters has basically killed the gun seasons. I am part of this guilty group I'm talking about.

The major group doing the killing only tags one deer a year.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
it isn't coming out right. I think Jesse is understanding what I'm trying to say. Basically we are all the problem. Even the guy that isn't harvesting anything. It's still pressure on the deer. The huge influx of bow hunters has basically killed the gun seasons. I am part of this guilty group I'm talking about.

The major group doing the killing only tags one deer a year.
A guy that isn't killing anything isn't pressuring the deer to death though lol


Well-Known Member
In the Uplands
It seems the majority of the bow hunters that are passing on deer could be the guys that are more experienced so wouldn't they pressure the deer less? They know how to play the wind. Stay out of an area and wait to strike until they know the conditions are right for that one deer they want to fill their one tag on?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
It seems the majority of the bow hunters that are passing on deer could be the guys that are more experienced so wouldn't they pressure the deer less? They know how to play the wind. Stay out of an area and wait to strike until they know the conditions are right for that one deer they want to fill their one tag on?
You obviously haven't been on many of the Ohio deer hunting Facebook pages lol


Staff member
I think Jesse is understanding what I'm trying to say. Basically we are all the problem.

"We" as in the totality of hunters is somewhat correct. We were the tool the DNR enabled to do just as Joe pointed out. As a collective group, WE are part of the problem. Hence why WE need to be part of the solution.

A guy that isn't killing anything isn't pressuring the deer to death though lol

Says the guy that deals with fucktards all the time! LOL You and I both know some hunters can piss in the Cheerios without ever shooting a deer.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
"We" as in the totality of hunters is somewhat correct. We were the tool the DNR enabled to do just as Joe pointed out. As a collective group, WE are part of the problem. Hence why WE need to be part of the solution.

Says the guy that deals with fucktards all the time! LOL You and I both know some hunters can piss in the Cheerios without ever shooting a deer.

I think the KEY WORD in Jesse's statement is "WE".... Let's say the ODNR creates a 10 tag limit for the counties mentioned.. Let them.. Does that mean you are obligated by some higher authority to go out and fill those 10 tag's... Jesse owns a little piece of heaven and has every intention to maintain this for his family to enjoy by not killing every deer just cause he can...Hes got a lot of great memories down the road if he plays his cards right.. I think his avatar says it all, so why destroy it...


Staff member
I think the KEY WORD in Jesse's statement is "WE".... Let's say the ODNR creates a 10 tag limit for the counties mentioned.. Let them.. Does that mean you are obligated by some higher authority to go out and fill those 10 tag's... Jesse owns a little piece of heaven and has every intention to maintain this for his family to enjoy by not killing every deer just cause he can...Hes got a lot of great memories down the road if he plays his cards right.. I think his avatar says it all, so why destroy it...

The issue with this is "foresight" and "restraint". And "common sense". Three attributes not only largely absent in today's culture, but certainly rare within the hunting community. It comes back to this group being accused of being the 1% when it comes to these types of things. If they set the limit at 10 tags, plenty of guys will try and fill all 10, especially the ones with no vested interest in the future.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
"We" as in the totality of hunters is somewhat correct. We were the tool the DNR enabled to do just as Joe pointed out. As a collective group, WE are part of the problem. Hence why WE need to be part of the solution.

Says the guy that deals with fucktards all the time! LOL You and I both know some hunters can piss in the Cheerios without ever shooting a deer.
Ya but those asshats don't ever run deer to me lol


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
The issue with this is "foresight" and "restraint". And "common sense". Three attributes not only largely absent in today's culture, but certainly rare within the hunting community. It comes back to this group being accused of being the 1% when it comes to these types of things. If they set the limit at 10 tags, plenty of guys will try and fill all 10, especially the ones with no vested interest in the future.

And why wouldn't they when "the experts" say it's perfectly fine to do so. A LOT of hunting comes in the form of reading these days. And that generally starts at the DNR homepage for whatever state your looking into. How did that road trip you and Chad took work out? By doing research, you thought it was a good chance. Showing restraint, you guys didn't kill the only deer you seen. Most guys would've put meat in the cooler, because their DNR said they had the numbers to support it. Meanwhile, the local guy is cursing you guys for doing it.


Staff member
And why wouldn't they when "the experts" say it's perfectly fine to do so. A LOT of hunting comes in the form of reading these days. And that generally starts at the DNR homepage for whatever state your looking into. How did that road trip you and Chad took work out? By doing research, you thought it was a good chance. Showing restraint, you guys didn't kill the only deer you seen. Most guys would've put meat in the cooler, because their DNR said they had the numbers to support it. Meanwhile, the local guy is cursing you guys for doing it.

Maybe a bad example cause I went down there with a blood thirst and tried to kill a spike... lmao

The locals down there have NO restraint based on what we saw. It was in stark contrast to how this group operates.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Maybe a bad example cause I went down there with a blood thirst and tried to kill a spike... lmao

The locals down there have NO restraint based on what we saw. It was in stark contrast to how this group operates.

And where did that blood thirst start? That's all I'm saying. Someone looking to hunt in Ohio (resident or not), would think everything was ok or even great.


Staff member
That...doesn't go well for my argument. Lmao

HAHAHA. My bad...

Here's the thing though: I exercise restraint here because I was guilty of drinking the Kool-Aid early in the game. Then a crazy guy name Brock started talking about how the sky was falling. When I started seeing the errors of my way, that Brock guy became a prophet. So in a way, the restraint I practice is a direct result of the ODNR enabling, and even encouraging me to kill at will. I was one of the most effective soldiers early on. So to your point, my education on what and how many I should be killing came from the ODNR and the Drurys, both of whom told me I should kill does without mercy. I relied on those "in the know" to teach me since I was not only self taught, but not a wildlife biologist. At the time, I was seeing enough deer that it all made sense. Stupid me...


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
This won't come over correctly but I'll try my damnest.
In 1972 when I took my 1st Ohio deer less than 8,000 deer were taken in the whole state of Ohio.
Fast forward to 2000's and over 200,000 deer are taken every year.
Now in 2016 and only 182,00 deer are taken and the sky is falling in deer numbers.

I just don't see it. Sure there are less deer numbers now but when the numbers were a lot higher just maybe there were too many deer.
Ohio deer hunting is now damn good according to the old days before you were around to see the difference.


Staff member
That's just a matter of perspective, as is much of this argument. I fight this fight more because of the corrupt bureaucracy behind the reduction than I do the actual "lack" of deer. Additionally, it needs fought to avoid it getting worse. They'll enable us to kill every last one if they money is right.