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Opinions on crossbow hunting


Senior Member
Constitution Ohio
If I injured myself or physically get to the point I can't draw a compound. . . I won't hesitate. My 12yr old has one. I like it. I've considered using one to hunt from the ground. If I didn't have time to practice enough to be confident in my compound bow shooting. . . Again, I wouldn't hesitate. I'd want to ensure a clean kill. If I couldn't do that with a compound I'd drop the compound. Let's face it, even with practice I have had some tracking jobs I wish were better.

This is how I feel. Eventually, my body or eyesight will break down and I will go to a crossbow. Until that day I accept the added challenge of using a compound, and YES it IS more difficult than with a crossbow. Just like a stick and string is way more difficult than a compound. And an Atllatl is more difficult than that. and a spear......and a stone.....

A couple things bother me from both sides:
1) Compounds...if you aren't going to practice then get a crossbow.
2) Just because you're deadly accurate with a crossbow at 50 yards doesn't mean you should shoot that shot.


Senior Member
Centerburg, Ohio
I hunt with a crossbow and love it. The original thought (3 years ago) was that I wanted the extended season that bow hunters get but didn't have the first idea what kind of bow to get, accessories etc. no idea. I figured a crossbow would be easier to adjust to. I bought a cheap one since I wasn't even sure if I'd like it. Absolutely in love with crossbow hunting now and have upraded from a Barnett cheap model to a tenpoint.

I've thought about getting a compound and may at some point, don't know. At the moment I love the way I hunt and will continue the way I have been. For me the thrill is getting close to a deer, setting up the right spot, being there at the right time and all that stuff. When it comes time to take the shot I want to kill the deer and not worry about my pins, release, balanced and tuned arrows and all that. Pick a spot, check for branches and squeeze the trigger.

Hats off to all you bow hunters, especially the traditional guys, it's just not my thing at the moment.
I hunt with only older Horton crossbows. I shoot shots at only 20 yards or less and find it quite satisfying when I arrow one of my target bucks. All hunting takes woodsmanship, skill, patience and a certain degree of luck regardless of the implement carried. Carry what you choose and enjoy the chase.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I'd just like to point out that TOO is the only site I've ever seen where someone could ask this question and it not turn in to an all out bash fest for page after page.

Really speaks volumes to the quality of the members here.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I'd just like to point out that TOO is the only site I've ever seen where someone could ask this question and it not turn in to an all out bash fest for page after page.

Really speaks volumes to the quality of the members here.
Anymore we just gotsta band together.


Senior Member
Kingston, OH
My brother bought a Tenpoint Titan SS for his kids this year. He let me shoot it the first time. After I pulled the trigger I looked at him and both just laughed. What a powerhouse. Big difference from the Horton I had in the mid 90's. I've only hunt compound for the last 15 years but man that thing was a ball to shoot.


SW Ohio
I hunt with a crossbow because that's what I'm confident with. I don't trust myself with traditional or compound archery equipment.


Junior Member
I've shot deer with a compound and with a crossbow and have never felt any regret or less of an accomplishment with the crossbow.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I killed deer with compounds, recurves and longbows for 30 years before I ever shot one with a crossbow. I did that 3 years ago for the first time, and it was awesome. I thoroughly enjoyed watching that bucks shoulder through the scope as he stepped into the shooting lane. When I walked up on his lifeless body in the snow, with lung blood bubbling out, I felt the same pure elation, sadness and regret I have felt every time I've ever killed a deer. Just do it right, and it doesn't matter what you do it with.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I killed deer with compounds, recurves and longbows for 30 years before I ever shot one with a crossbow. I did that 3 years ago for the first time, and it was awesome. I thoroughly enjoyed watching that bucks shoulder through the scope as he stepped into the shooting lane. When I walked up on his lifeless body in the snow, with lung blood bubbling out, I felt the same pure elation, sadness and regret I have felt every time I've ever killed a deer. Just do it right, and it doesn't matter what you do it with.

^^^^* Amen....



Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I killed deer with compounds, recurves and longbows for 30 years before I ever shot one with a crossbow. I did that 3 years ago for the first time, and it was awesome. I thoroughly enjoyed watching that bucks shoulder through the scope as he stepped into the shooting lane. When I walked up on his lifeless body in the snow, with lung blood bubbling out, I felt the same pure elation, sadness and regret I have felt every time I've ever killed a deer. Just do it right, and it doesn't matter what you do it with.

Love that feeling...


Junior Member
Central Ohio
I killed deer with compounds, recurves and longbows for 30 years before I ever shot one with a crossbow. I did that 3 years ago for the first time, and it was awesome. I thoroughly enjoyed watching that bucks shoulder through the scope as he stepped into the shooting lane. When I walked up on his lifeless body in the snow, with lung blood bubbling out, I felt the same pure elation, sadness and regret I have felt every time I've ever killed a deer. Just do it right, and it doesn't matter what you do it with.

Very well said.


I'd just like to point out that TOO is the only site I've ever seen where someone could ask this question and it not turn in to an all out bash fest for page after page.

Really speaks volumes to the quality of the members here.

I'm not sure it speaks to "quality" as much as it does personal strength of conviction, the elite purists don't last long around here when they show up. You are like a pack of hyenas cutting the weak out of the herd and devouring them. By the way I love it and agree to each his own. I just can't quite equate you guys and "quality":D:D:D. I think you are all a bunch of deplorables..............................................And that is why I like participating on this site.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I'm not sure it speaks to "quality" as much as it does personal strength of conviction, the elite purists don't last long around here when they show up. You are like a pack of hyenas cutting the weak out of the herd and devouring them. By the way I love it and agree to each his own. I just can't quite equate you guys and "quality":D:D:D. I think you are all a bunch of deplorables..............................................And that is why I like participating on this site.

Fair enough. lmao. We just learned a long time ago that trolls are better cut from the herd than allowed to constantly drag everyone down with their BS. For example bashing crossbows would serve no purpose other than to start drama and arguments. Members must like it and relate because TOO is putting up 3.8x the number of posts per month as our closest competitor.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
The wrong type of bullshit don't fly.
The right type of bullshit - well, we roll around in that like dogs, now don't we?
Shenaniganizers all...