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When a doe busts you in stand


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
What do you guys do? Given that there are enough does on the property to warrant taking one, do you shoot her if given the chance, relocate the stand? Those old broads especially are some wise bitches, can't get much past them more than once.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Given a chance, drop her like a bad habit.... If no shot offered move the stand a couple trees away.... Just far enough if she starts looking she won't catch ya....



*Supporting Member*
I had a doe that used to blow no matter what. I had videos of her blowing when no one was even hunting.......she gone


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
I've always heard to shoot the nervous ones. Especially if they are acting sketchy and might have a bead on your location.


Junior Member
Cincinnati Oh
shoot her ass! Ive got one that has busted me 2 times walking to 2 different stands. First chance I get she is on ice! Also had one last year that picked me off a few times during archery season but wouldn't give me a shot, well rifle season came around (in KY) and she got some serious lead poisoning from black betty, my 30-06. never had another issue out of that stand.
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I say trick f*ck....I have a doe that has scented me one year, then last year she stared at me in my stand but walked all around it within 15 yds, when her back was to me I reached for my bow (in hanger) and she somehow was looking backwards and saw my movement and bolted....this year, while she is concentrating on my stand, I will be in a ground blind 50 yds north of my stand and she'll never see it coming....I hope!


Staff member
Lot of variables to consider here. That said, I've shot does just for the fact that they were tattle tales. As Huck about the one that used to be behind my parents place. She was harder to kill than most bucks. I've never seen a deer that good at picking out a hunter. I moved stands all around trying to kill her and she'd pick me off like I set a ground blind up in the middle of a field. Killing her was more an act of vengeance than food acquisition.


Lot of variables to consider here. That said, I've shot does just for the fact that they were tattle tales. As Huck about the one that used to be behind my parents place. She was harder to kill than most bucks. I've never seen a deer that good at picking out a hunter. I moved stands all around trying to kill her and she'd pick me off like I set a ground blind up in the middle of a field. Killing her was more an act of vengeance than food acquisition.

Yeah variables can determine a lot, during the rut, probably not going to wax her especially in eastern Ohio (big woods hunting). IF I am hunting the north west tundra where the hunting is not very good, I was probably going to wax her anyways, I have been busted by more does in western Ohio strictly buck hunting than Eastern Ohio strictly buck hunting. I personally think the deer are little bit more educated/smarter/harder to hunt in the Tundra, but thats a whole other topic and I am sure people will disagree with that statement.
Shoot her. There have been times when I had an old doe stand there and blow and blow at me where I have snort wheezed at her and confused the hell out of her. They generally don't stick around long after that especially if it isn't close to the rut.


Junior Member
I hate those old does. There's one I'm still trying to kill in an old overgrown apple orchard behind my FIL's place. She will bust you no matter what. I tried everything from building a natural ground blind standing in a crotch of one of the apple trees. I thought about buying a ghost blind just for that spot. Like Jesse said, at this point it would be more for vengeance than anything with that old broad.


I say trick f*ck....I have a doe that has scented me one year, then last year she stared at me in my stand but walked all around it within 15 yds, when her back was to me I reached for my bow (in hanger) and she somehow was looking backwards and saw my movement and bolted....this year, while she is concentrating on my stand, I will be in a ground blind 50 yds north of my stand and she'll never see it coming....I hope!

Mission accomplished Thanksgiving morning...only difference is my ground blind was setup 50yds to the east of the stand she always busted me in...and this is my first archery deer to boot! It's been 5 years since I last killed a deer and this one was priceless to me...I had a nice conversation with her about how smart she was, and how I warned her about those yearlings she was hanging with were going to get her killed one day.
