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2016 Goal thread


Staff member
I three things I am focused on this year and for years to come: Have fun. Stay safe. Spend time with my family while doing something we love. The rest, is just details.

That said, I do have one specific goal this year with our trip to Missouri. I want to put 6 deer in our freezer/pantry this year. I want to fill both tags in MO, kill a buck and doe with my bow in OH and get Tracie on a bow, and a gun kill. She's never killed 2 in one year. I'm hoping to have 4 deer for regular cuts, can a whole deer, and turn a whole deer into snack sticks and breakfast sausage. As for the whole "big/mature" buck thing, I honestly could give a fuck any more. Inches and lofty goals of "book bucks" ruined hunting for me. With my daughter approaching hunting age and a new found desire to source ALL the meat we eat locally, if a buck is 3 or older, I'm shooting it for the foreseeable future. I may tire of that some day and go back to being picky, but for right now, we're killing anything 3 and up given a chance.


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Picked up a new property this year, so hopefully that means new opportunities. I've still yet to get a buck, same with Chad. I'm hoping one, if not both of us get a shot at one. Obviously we want it to be a safe season for us and everyone else as well. I still have to some work to do on my stand, but I'm looking forward to the season. I have a hard time doing all day sits b/c I love college football. But I'm hoping to do a couple sits this year. Good luck to everyone and stay safe.


*Supporting Member*
For deer season.....
Continue with the mindset that I don't have to kill a buck for it to be a successful yr. Once I got that thru my head several seasons ago my time in the tree has gotten more enjoyable. But I I do kill a buck my goal is to kill Bingo....Or some other 140"+ deer....But if I don't it really isn't a big deal. I'd rather not kill a buck , than kill one I'm not gonna be happy with. Somewhere along the way I'll kill a doe or two for meat once it gets cool enough to deal with em.
For duck season....
Get my son out on some early season and late season hunts. Take advantage of the rezoning of the waterfowl zones and enjoy some late season hunting with my friends. Nothing like a 20 degree day on a river and big ol greenheads and black ducks.....Or a snow storm in a field with honkers and mallards...


1. Be safe and remain thankful for all the gifts god gives me.
2. Kill a mid season deer in Michigan
3. Take the entire family (wife and my twin boys 2.5 during the season) on a hunting trip to my in laws cabin
4. get back to squirrel, dove and rabbit hunting and enjoying the fellowship that comes with small game.
5. 2 deer in the freezer
6. Enjoy the fellowship of my hunting friends (some of them are getting up in age)
7. Hunt state land more like I used too!

Just 1 More

Junior Member
Kill a P&Y in ....
West Virginia
and if I get time... Kintucky (Yes, I know)


Junior Member
NE Ohio
My goals:

Be safe
Enjoy time in the woods
Learn more about how deer behave on my property so I can make good habitat improvements
Kill a deer
Hunt rabbits for the first time


Smartest person here
Linn County Iowa
My goal is to spend some time with my girls in the field and try to get them each an opportunity to shoot a deer.
They both have been asking 'Daddy, when can I shoot a deer?'.
I took them last year on my birthday (12/7) and somehow we managed to fill the 2 doe tags I had in only about a half hour. They were so excited! Lots of questions with the field dressing....
