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I know sumthin


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I guess sticking up religiously for your buddy who happens to be the head of the deer management program at the DOW throughout his his 7 year deer decimation agenda paid off for rexy in the end. I'm sure Tonkovich wrote him a wonderful recommendation.


Tatonka guide.
Maybe they should have talked to Lundy first? He seems to have the scoop


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I wish him the best and pray he has the best interest of current and future hunters in mind. That is all we can do.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Whether you like MRex or not, I think you have to be happy that the position was filled by a fellow "hook and bullet" proponent instead of a tree hugger.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Whether you like MRex or not, I think you have to be happy that the position was filled by a fellow "hook and bullet" proponent instead of a tree hugger.

Exactly. That is happening in other states across the country, and don't think that it won't start to happen here someday.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Exactly. That is happening in other states across the country, and don't think that it won't start to happen here someday.

Rex has long disagreed with the DNR's population reduction program. When they first tried it in 1995 he was a very outspoken critic, In 2008 when they tried again he still disagreed but this time not very outspoken. He disagreed with the reduction but we were always at odds with who was at fault. I blamed Tonkovich as he was the head biologist and the lead of Ohio's deer program. Mike backed Tonk at every turn as they were quite good friends living only a mile or so from each other. Choosing rather to blame Zehringer. I'm sure that support for his friend Tonk helped Mike secure this appointment.

Hopefully Rex will use this appointment to do what he knows is right for hunters and oppose the reduction he's long disagreed with. My observations over the years tell me however he will do what is right for Rex. After all, opposing the DNR is not how you get appointed to the council.