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Even I know Something


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Finally have good cell service to read through this thread...:smiley_clap:

Congratulations to you both for pulling that off on public land!!! That's quite the accomplishment! This is why we all are out there! Looking forward to reading how both of your hunts went down!


Junior Member
thanks for all the nice compliments guys. I'll try to tell how everything went down when i have some time. My story is a very short one with just a lil history, but i'm ok with that lol. My buddy's story is pretty cool, with some drama!


Junior Member
Finally got a lil time, my buck is a main frame 8 with a 3inch point off his base. We grossed him at 159 didn't take the time to net him. Really don't care, he was a shooter. lol I was hunting a area that I kill a very nice mid 50's 10p back in 2010. Its a spot that you might not see a deer for 3 days but if you do he could be a good one. Had a trail cam in there since August, 5p was the biggest buck on it. But there was some big rubs so I hunted it. Around 7ish here he come basically walk right to me. Had a very tough 15y shot lol he went maybe 80y. 5 min later I here a stick break an here comes some guys walking. The joys of hunting public!

My buddy buck grossed 140 netted 138 Here is his post on facebook

So as I'm sitting here on what is considered by some to be the best day to be in the deer woods I can't help but relive the events that led up yesterday. So last year while hunting this public ground we got a pic of this same buck. Jo even had an encounter with him last year. K fast forward a year skipping all the hard work and planning. We receive word and trail cam pic from a local friend that confirmed he was still alive and since he was in our area last year in the rut I felt there was a chance. I received word from jo he had shot a good one but was going to give him some time. At 0920 I decided to get down to go help with the recovery. I packed up lowered the bow to the ground. Stepped off the loc on onto the ladder stick and changed the connection of my harness. Look around one more time and here he comes....immediately feeling nauseous!!!! I videoed my buck on my phone walk by at 37 yards!!! As soon as he was out of sight the scramble was on. I got back in the stand reconnected the harness and pulled the bow back up. Thinking all the while I can't believe that just happened!!! Here's where it gets real!! As soon as I nocked an arrow I gave a loud snort wheeze followed by two grunts. To my amazement here he comes on a string straight to me to 23 yards where I absolutely hammered him!!! And the rest is history. One the most epic hunting days of my life!!

Best I got guys, again thanks for all the comments.