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Anyone ever hang a treestand on a post ?

OK my anckle is finaly good enough to do a little scouting again

I was looking along the one side of my woods today
The feild next to that side of the woods will be corn next year
I found several trails entering the feild , as the deer are now feeding on the radish we planted as a covercrop

But this side of the woods was loged out years ago
So no decent sized trees
Mainly olive , mullberry , crab apple and Hazzelnut

I got to thinking , I have a bunch of 20' long 4x6" treeated posts

When it freezes enough again
I could haul a few out and set them overlooking acess paths to the feild

I guess I could use screw in steps or a stick and a hang on stand
Just have never hung a stand on a square post

Maybe use a lag bolt through the chain to be sure it stays put

Any other sujestions ?



Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
A 4x6 treated post is gonna be unstable as hell 10-15' up it. on top of that, you will stick out like a sore thumb. What about building a natural ground blind and toughing it out on the ground? I hung a stand on a telephone pole this year to do some shooting, and it was so wobbly that I couldn't stand up to shoot out of it, and it was every bit of 10" in diameter.


Senior Member
Coonie says he uses teleophone poles all the time. Ya jus gottA be still. Lol

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
A 4x6 treated post is gonna be unstable as hell 10-15' up it. on top of that, you will stick out like a sore thumb. What about building a natural ground blind and toughing it out on the ground? I hung a stand on a telephone pole this year to do some shooting, and it was so wobbly that I couldn't stand up to shoot out of it, and it was every bit of 10" in diameter.

Yea, what fluteman said...
A 10" pole moving

I have several ladder stands in trees that are 4-5" where the stand is ( those move LOL) and 2 hang on's in 6-8" Oak trees at the stand height
And I am no skinny guy
But all my stands are in thick areas , so most of the wind is blocked

I will find out though
I talked to the neibor that has a 3 point hitch 12" auger for his tractor
I can use it any time

And I plan on setting the post's so a lower tree is in front of me
Or I am in the limbs of a tree



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I am thinking I would consider some 8-10" lag screws or bolts all the way through them would be a good idea and putting a couple of them together for some more rigidity. I am a skinny guy and I don't think i would try it on a 4x6" post. Double them and make it 8x6 and put it a good 5' in the ground and I might think about it, but as a last resort.


Senior Member
Coming from someone who built pole barns for 2 years...I'm not sure if it's worth the hassle or danger.

I have seen 4x4's and 6x6's cave over, even in wet concrete...and have pushed then over with the bottoms in solid concrete (and it doesn't take as much as you would think). Even if you buried it a minimum of 5-6 feet in the ground, it'd still be scary...and like has been said, you'd stick out like a sore thumb.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Dannman has done well from a ground nest/blind...
Don't rule it out.
some pine bows or a 6-7 foot pine can block out a mans shape purty well.

I have used "rachet" straps (2) on the top and bottom of the vertical post on my stands to tighten up the wobble on smaller trees as well.
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Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Use the treated posts to build and elevated shooting house/blind.

That's how I would roll...