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Senior Member
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Not picking on XBOW hunters at all here, but I have butchered a few hundred deer in my lifetime and probably came across 10 or so deer that healed up from a brisket shot with an XBOW bolt still in it. I guess it makes sense since you can get good setups on the ground using a crossbow and are more likely to encounter that shot. I think quite a few people just dont understand anatomy and what their weapon is capable of doing. Of course this was before todays newer xwbows that shoot really fast . I think the key is having a little angle to exit closer to a shoulder


Dignitary Member
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North Central Ohio
I couldn't say unless I was in that moment at full draw, seeing what that kid saw angle wise. I've only shot whitetail with a gun straight on. Either way that was awesome to see that elk stand there and do that. Right up there with whitetails dropping like a sack of bricks after being smoked with a high-powered rifle. Got to love no tracking jobs
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I am with Brock and Teenbowhunter. Never hunted elk, but what I have read and watched, it seems this is an acceptable shot on an elk. I take frontal shots on groundhogs. Never a deer. Don't plan on it either.


*Supporting Member*
I wouldn't take it on deer , I would take a quartering to shot tho if conditions were right .
On elk a straight on and quartering too shot seems to be accepted by the majority of people who do much elk hunting . A buddy of mine is heading out soon and his guide specifically told him not to pass that shot .
I killed a nice 6 point quite a few years ago with my muzzleloader down in Vinton County that was quartered to me. Was under 20 yards coming up the hill right at me and stopped to stare at me so I thought it was now or never. Made it a long ways but it was mostly downhill so the drag out wasn't as bad since that was how I had to get out of there. With archery equipment I just don't think I would ever make that shot. Just don't have enough confidence that I would make a quick clean kill.
My son Jarrod shot this one straight on in 2012 with his 870. We were in stands and the buck was coming straight up the trail to us. I told him to wait until he turned, but he got busted moving. The buck locked up stiff at 25 yards looking up at us. Jarrod has been hunting long enough to know the jig was up and the buck was fixing to bolt. With out me saying anything he put it 4 inches under his throat patch and anchored him in his tracks. I don't think we would have had the same outcome with archery gear. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1441742507.946324.jpg