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A buck I called Christmas Tree

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
It works and it's a tactic I use late season…but it does not provide the same feeling of achievement that comes from hunting a deer straight up. I would actually prefer Ohio outlaw baiting and put heavy fines against anyone that breaks the law. I know it may sound like a double standard I'm projecting….but its where I draw the line.

This is idiotic. I remember you killing a handful of nice deer, and everyone I can recall you shot off a cornpile... How does it make sense for you to come off "drawing a line" on what is apparently a favorite and effective tactic for you? If you feel like it's cheating, why do you do it?


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
This is idiotic. I remember you killing a handful of nice deer, and everyone I can recall you shot off a cornpile... How does it make sense for you to come off "drawing a line" on what is apparently a favorite and effective tactic for you? If you feel like it's cheating, why do you do it?
He doesn't wanna be considered a masterbaiter Brock, plain and simple.

"Yeah, I bait, but I don't approve of it."
Come on man...

I will give you this, it is a fine deer, but if all you're gonna do is come over here to get your ego stroked, take it elsewhere. We are well above the bs, we are a family here. Either stick around and contribute, or be on your merry way.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Ya I was kind of wondering how that statement made any kind of sense. Quit shooting deer over corn if you would prefer that it be outlawed. Then what would you do in late season, hunt over an acorn pile?


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
This is idiotic. I remember you killing a handful of nice deer, and everyone I can recall you shot off a cornpile... How does it make sense for you to come off "drawing a line" on what is apparently a favorite and effective tactic for you? If you feel like it's cheating, why do you do it?

Hum, good point!

Why is it illegal to bait turkey's and legal to bait deer BTW?!? They claim it's not an advantage but I guess until deer learn how to not to get hit crossing the road corn piles will be allowed!

What chickens?!?!?


Junior Member
I'm here pretty often but I only comment when someone shoots a big buck….with this crowd thats few and far between<<<<I kid:) I congratulated Rick and Gern on their bucks. Anybody else shoot a big buck this season I missed? I'll gladly hand out congrats


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
There in lies the difference, most on here will give a congratulatory good job on scoring on a deer not just a "big buck" although we all would like too harvest a wall hanger for some it's not that easy. But they put in the effort and the time and we follow them thru their journey with both the highs and the lows, and celebrate with them when they score.... Not just comment on a good one that was harvested..... If you could understand that better you'd probably be more welcomed. Showing up with a comment on a wall hanger once in a blue moon isn't what this site is all about..........


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I'll congratulate any of these guys on any deer they kill, button to booner. These guys on here hunt hard and I know that, because I hang out here everyday. I don't just lurk and congratulate someone only if the kill a 140" or bigger deer. Then you pop in looking to get your ego off by posting a pic of the buck you killed over something you think should be illegal, but have no problem doing. I killed my first wall hanger this year, a 125" 10 that was chasing a doe. Not big enough for you, but he is for me. Save the congrats though, I already got them from my TOO family.
I'll congratulate any of these guys on any deer they kill, button to booner. These guys on here hunt hard and I know that, because I hang out here everyday. I don't just lurk and congratulate someone only if the kill a 140" or bigger deer. Then you pop in looking to get your ego off by posting a pic of the buck you killed over something you think should be illegal, but have no problem doing. I killed my first wall hanger this year, a 125" 10 that was chasing a doe. Not big enough for you, but he is for me. Save the congrats though, I already got them from my TOO family.

Amen brother!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
There in lies the difference, most on here will give a congratulatory good job on scoring on a deer not just a "big buck" although we all would like too harvest a wall hanger for some it's not that easy. But they put in the effort and the time and we follow them thru their journey with both the highs and the lows, and celebrate with them when they score.... Not just comment on a good one that was harvested..... If you could understand that better you'd probably be more welcomed. Showing up with a comment on a wall hanger once in a blue moon isn't what this site is all about..........


brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm here pretty often but I only comment when someone shoots a big buck….with this crowd thats few and far between<<<<I kid:) I congratulated Rick and Gern on their bucks. Anybody else shoot a big buck this season I missed? I'll gladly hand out congrats

Interesting statement. I would like to take back my congratulations, as your deer does not qualify under your criteria. My 11 year old wouldn't have shot that ugly thing... Oh heck, you can keep the congratulations from me. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, even if you collected the beast under less than fair conditions...again, in the eye of the beholder.
Im glad my next house has a wood stove. Ill probably just heat the place by burning pine needles and kill two birds with one stone. By doing so ill smoke my cloths with effective cover scent and heat the house at the same time. :smiley_chinrub:
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Senior Member
When I first tried to smoke my clothes in the fireplace I burnt up $250 worth of camo. Lol. Not really but Archeryl got me thinking about smoking clothes and thanks Brock for talking me into getting a Scent Smoker. I made a batch of peach pie this week. How many yotes have you caught now Brian?