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FB Knows All


Dignitary Member
Staff member

First off, Congrats to all who have scored this season! I read and stay in tune, always something new learn! I would not have put this buck in the truck by not being a member! I'll give a shout out to Milo, the bow shoots lasers, thanks for finding this rig and setting me up! Scent Smoker of course, plenty of down wind deer failing to be aware of me. Joe, I got a pass through (Rage lol). I was originally shooting slick tricks but could not for the life of me get them to shoot right. Plenty of history with this deer.

Great Job buddy! Heck of a nice deer.

As for the "pass through" the tip barely poking through the other side after being shot out of one of the fastest bows on the market isn't a pass through.

This is a pass through. Lol. shooting 10 less pounds and a slower bow I might add.


I just rib you buddy. Dead is dead and that's a hell of a deer.