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First year, first deer!!!


Junior Member
Been trying to find time to start a thread, and finally got around to it. A week ago yesterday on my fourth day in a stand ever ( my 3rd all day sit this year ) I climbed in the stand on the inside corner of a bean field at about 0630, at 22* w/ an 11* wind chill and 25 mph winds blowing in my face I was certainly having second thoughts about the day. I settled in trying to keep warm without much luck. Around 0930 after not seeing much activity and my toes feeling like they were gonna fall off, I decided to climb down and maybe try another spot. Once I was out of the tree I started into the woods and immediately stopped. Just inside the the tree line it was like a highway, deer tracks everywhere and even a couple beds. I turned around and headed back to my tree, this time throwing a couple hand warmers in the toe of my boots. I then climbed BACK up the tree and settled in hoping for some luck later in the evening.

I ate my 2 PB&J's around noon and settled in for a couple cat naps w/ the sun peeking in and out of the clouds feeling good on my face. Around 1:00 I nodded of and my head bobbed me awake, I looked straight ahead and see what I thought was a doe ducking into the woods about 150 yds. out, kinda mad at myself for nappin on the job, I thought I had missed an opportunity. 15 minutes later a small 6 pt. buck comes walking down the tree line straight towards me from 100 yds out. As he comes closer I stand up and grab my bow, at this point my hearts pounding, this is it I thougt " my first deer ever, and it's a buck!!." Albeit small I was excited just to harvest a deer. He closes the gap to about 55-60 yds and cuts the corner of the field just out of range. I try a couple of grunts and he pays no mind, just keeps walking. No sooner than he is out of sight another buck starts out of the woods on the same trail 100 yds out, this ones a little bigger!!

The second buck walks straight toward me stopping to lick a couple bean stalks still left standing on the way. As he gets closer to where the first buck cut the corner he continues straight along the tree line toward me. " Here we go again! " As he gets closer I get into position, just waiting for him to turn right to follow the first buck. At 13 yds he turns left broadside to start into the woods where I had walked in. At this point I'm at full draw and my heart and nerves seem to settle if only for a second. At 1:35 I settle my 15 yd. pin behind his shoulder and squeeze the trigger on my release!! Thwack!!! I hit a little high and a touch back of where I wanted, but felt all things considered I made a good shot. I watched him run 100 yds into the bean field with my arrow penetrating both sides but still in him and turn 90* into the woods!!!

Knowing I didn't make a perfect shot I wanted to give him some time to bed down and bleed out. I sat for about 15 minutes to calm my nerves and began to descend the tree in my climber. By the time I got down and got all my gear packed up it was 2:15-2:30. I followed his tracks from the field into the woods along with a good bright red blood trail. After a couple wrong turns I finally followed the trail 60 yds through the woods to my first deer ever... A small 9 pt. buck. He had bedded down and was dead by the time I got to him at 3:00.

An awesome feeling to say the least. My step dad helped me skin and quarter him and the wife and I processed him out on the kitchen table the next day. Thanks for reading sorry it was so long winded just couldn't make myself write a short version of my fist whitetail. I'll update with pics when I figure out to get them off my phone


Junior Member


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Congrats on a nice buck and 1st deer. Great read you wrote there. Good luck in the future.


Junior Member
Wow that was an exciting story, congrats on a fine buck and welcome to the addiction.

Addiction is right!! Lol I had never even shot a bow before February of this year, picked up a used one from a buddy and practiced all summer then bought a new bow in August and started getting into the woods behind my moms place in October. I called mom right after the shot and couldn't even talk I was shaking so much!!! I now know why they call it a sickness lmao


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
Addiction is right!! Lol I had never even shot a bow before February of this year, picked up a used one from a buddy and practiced all summer then bought a new bow in August and started getting into the woods behind my moms place in October. I called mom right after the shot and couldn't even talk I was shaking so much!!! I now know why they call it a sickness lmao

Good stuff!


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
If that shaking feeling ever goes away, quit hunting. One of the best feelings in the world.

Congrats on a great buck, I'd have shot him too, handsome fella.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Awesome story. Sometimes if you try to make a story too short it takes away the feeling and excitement behind it. I think you did a great job keeping that in your story. Congrats on a great deer man.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
That's a nice first deer and a buck at that.... A lot of us here didn't cut our teeth on something like that lol..... Congrats on your first of many.....